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AF in a sentence

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Sentence count:96Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: APF.bpc.CHCo.CPCSF
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1 A system. Not an af afterthought.
2 AF Flight 321 is a direct flight to Rome.
3 TLC analysis method has been established to detect auranofin(AF).
4 Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a commonly occurring cardiac arrhythmia.
5 Typically, catheter ablation is used to an AF arrhythmia.
6 AF was provoked by APB .6 F multiple electrode catheters were placed at right ventricle, His bundle, coronary sinus, right atrium.
7 Automatic focusing(AF) technology plays an important role in modern astronomical telescopes.
8 In some patients, AF seems to be triggered by electrically active pulmonary vein foci. These foci can trigger the atria to fibrillate .
9 Aim: To investigate the difference of urodynamic pattern by using natural filling (NF) and artificial filling (AF) cystometry in children with monosymptomatic primary nocturnal enuresis (PMNE).
10 Template-matching method is used to decide whether the deformed and rotated template is contained in the image,( the decision function is the adaptability function (AF) of GA.
11 Objective:To introduce the clinic adopted of titanium AF in thoracic vertebra and lumbar fracture dislocation and spinal cord scathe.
12 To study effect of glucose ( AFG ) and argininyl fructose ( AF ) on microcirculation of rabbit.
13 Through adjustment and match of AF and BPP, the positive sulfuration time can be shorten, the production efficiency is increased and rubber stuff properties is improved.
14 The effect of supplying trace metals of Fe, Co, Ni on the performance of lab scale upflow Anaerobic Filter(AF) treating simulated coking plant wastewater was studied in this paper.
15 Objective The study try to establish a new model of focal atrial fibrillation(AF) by stimulating the ganglionated plexus(GP) located at the base of the pulmonary veins(PVs).
16 AF than in paroxysmal AF ( P & lt; 0.05 ).
17 Atrial fibrillation ( Af ) is one of the most common arrhythmias.
18 There were recurrent atrial premature beat ( APB ) and AF on the record of Holter electrocardiogram.
19 Two disrepairs of the R/H ram air inlet deflector panel were found broken during AF check.
20 While hypertension and valvular heart disease are important risk factors for AF, other independent genetic factors have been shown to be associated with AF.
21 Background - Abnormal intercellular communication caused by connexin dysfunction may be involved in atrial fibrillation ( AF ).
22 This was owe to the ability of tridimensional replacement of AF operation.
23 Objective: To study the result and character of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation treating with AF pedicle screw system.
24 The selection of antiarrhythmic drugs for patients with a history of hypertension is compounded by the dearth of prospective controlled trials comparing the safety and efficacy of drug therapy for AF.
25 Methods. Apparent glucose diffusivity measurements were performed on 10 axial and 10 radial AF specimens from bovine coccygeal discs.
26 Conclusion It is safe and effective to use interspinous enlarged windowing for decompressing and internal fixation of AF system to treat thoracolumbar spine fractures.
27 As Mn concentration increases, the magnetic properties transform from FM to antiferromagnetism ( AF ) .
28 Methods:14 cases of spinal kyphosis were treated by wedged three-columniation-osteotomy and AF pedicle screw system fixation through posterior procedure.
29 Elevated B - type natriuretic peptide levels have associated with the risk of heart failure, AF, and mortality.
30 In HE stain, myocardial hypertrophy, severe myolysis and extensive fibrosis in the interstitial space of the atria were found in AF group.
More similar words: APF.bpc.CHCo.CPCSFDIdo.due.ed.EtGtVCVS.aadahasatbebydogohahehiI
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