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180 in a sentence

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Sentence count:172+3Posted:2016-07-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 10000101105110115125130135Meaning: adj. being ten more than one hundred seventy. 
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121 Emigrant composition basically is European, predict to this century end population is achieved likely 180 million.
122 It uses holddown timers to prevent routing loops – default is 180 seconds.
123 It is 9 major planet run the great synodic period in the youngest covering of the fan 180 years.
124 Porta Nigra of Trier. This gate dates back to about A . D . 180 built by the Romans.
125 Result:The total efficacy, we treated 180 oromaxillary hemangioma by local injection with PYM, was 98%.
126 The bank also said it would record a one-time tax benefit of $180 million, or 36 cents per share, because of restructuring non-U.S. assets.
127 Despite its small size, Santa Catalina is home to roughly 400 native plant species, some of them unique to the island,( and about 180 introduced plant species.
128 His cholesterol, for years managed with the help of the prescription medication Lipitor, is at 140, down from 180 before he changed his diet.
129 Y - straight 180 o installations using internal pipe threads and having double lead - thread stem control for rapid adjustment.
130 At 20 HKT, SINLAKU was centred about 330 km (180 NM) WNW of Okinawa.
131 If Indiana can have two time zones, there's no reason that Russia, 180 times larger and with many millions more people, can't change its clocks to please its easternmost citizens.
132 Voltage regulator diode. Working voltage (nom) 180 V. Transient suppressor diode. Reverse breakdown voltage 168 V.
133 More than 180 pilot whales were slaughtered this year in the annual whale killing event in Denmark's Faroe Islands, making the coastline red with blood.
134 From 180 BC, a series of invasions from Central Asia followed, with the successive establishment of the Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian and Indo-Parthian kingdoms, and finally the Kushan Empire.
135 Tests later showed a blood - alcohol level of 180 millilitres.
136 METHODS The inhibitory effect of DP on tumor growth was observed in the mice models with implanted sarcoma 180(S180). Internal organ index change was analyzed in tumor-bearing mouse.
137 Butter a baking pan and preheat oven to 180 ℃.
138 Methods 180 cases were randomly dane on superficial temporal vein and femoral venous blood, a needle success rate, blood collection time, oppression hemostasis time were compared.
139 Poorness ---poor and rich very great disparity, laborage level of works very low, to some tune RMB 180.00/month; It was had build of west, villadom and rookery.
140 Between 1912 and 1916, Irving Berlin wrote more than 180 songs.
141 Buna - N disc valves limited to 180 H temperatures.
142 "They got 180 co-sponsors of this bill to end all the travel restrictions, so that certainly puts them in striking distance," he said.
143 To order, use the appropriate order code from the chart for standard or 180 degree mounting, or 90 or 270 degree mounting.
144 This encyclopaedic, profusely illustrated guide displays over 180 sneakers chosen for the impact they have made on sneaker culture worldwide.
145 CPPI and TIPP. At the initial issue of ETF, we invest in 180 indexes of shanghai securities market using CPPI and TIPP, and then compare their performance under different market conditions.
146 The currents, which were 180 degrees out of phase , are now in phase.
147 Of the 70 starters in baseball who reached 180 innings, Wang had the fewest strikeouts.
148 A city of eastern Siberian U. S. S. R. on the Lena River. Founded as a fort in1632, it is a port and processing center. Population, 180, 000.
149 In 1935, she bought three specially issued shares of Abbott for $ 180.
150 It was in the upper Trias of Mesozoic approximately 180 million years ago and Shanghai and South Jiangsu were ancient continents then.
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