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Verdict in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+25Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decisiondecreedeterminationfindingjudgmentpronouncementrulingSimilar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayMeaning: ['vɜrdɪkt /'vɜː-]  n. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment. 
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151. Her impassive face showed no sign of reaction to the verdict.
152. Susan McDougal was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to two years in jail, a verdict she is appealing.
153. Dyson sat back and put his finger-tips together, as if about to deliver his verdict.
154. The verdict stunned many trial watchers and exposed deep racial divisions within the United States.
155. Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
156. Mr Barter recorded a suicide verdict and expressed his sympathy to Mr Banks' family.
156. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
157. The Simpson verdict, by contrast, was a human drama involving the most famous defendant of the century.
158. You essentially have to read the verdict before you open the envelope.
159. Within just a few minutes the jury of ranchers returned a verdict of not guilty.
160. I asked Mr Hughes if he was satisfied with the jury's verdict but he declined to comment.
161. The trial was just a charade -- the verdict had already been decided.
162. It was also a victory for those who have concluded Simpson escaped a guilty verdict in his criminal trial.
163. Though he notes occasional heroism, his general verdict on the working classes is unfavourable.
164. Meanwhile, Yoon sits in a Seoul jail awaiting his verdict.
165. Our verdict: Fine, but you will need another efficient grill for cooking bacon, steaks, and so on.
166. There will consequently be no directed verdict of not guilty.
167. Their rich and complex evidence will suggest an appropriate verdict on the civilization they interpret.
168. But in the outcome the jury returned a verdict of not guilty on that count.
169. As in a hung jury - one that can not reach a verdict.
170. That's the unanimous verdict of shoppers who are impressed by the elegant surroundings, high quality shops and first rate service.
171. I was ill at the time with the ague but I remember the verdict being recorded.
172. Never before had Dustin been so exposed or felt such trepidation while awaiting their verdict on him.
173. Criticism of a verdict which casts aspersions on the integrity of jurors may, of course, attract libel actions on that score.
174. Last month three Court of Appeal court judges refused to overturn the libel jury's verdict.
175. The foreman, a young man with glasses, delivered the verdict forms, which were read by the clerk.
176. The jury retired to consider its verdict in the trial of Harold Shipman, the family doctor accused of killing 15 patients.
177. Gen Krstic faces life imprisonment if the final verdict, due in the first half of next year, is guilty.
178. Dalgliesh's private verdict was that it was technically brilliant, but overwrought and painted, he felt, in hatred.
179. The chief justice of the King's Bench pronounced the verdict.
180. Paul's verdict: I was impressed by both the performance and flexibility of these trousers.
More similar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayregardingaccordingrecordingjeopardizecoordinatecoordinatoraccording today after daymedicalradicalindicatejudicialdedicateindicatordepictstrictvictimindicationmedicationconvictfictionpicture
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