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Centuries-old in a sentence

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Sentence count:37+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: centurioncenturya series ofventureaccentuatequiescentadventurepriest
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1 Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.
2 The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction.
3 For others it implied that the centuries-old problems of poverty and inequality had been swept away in the tide of prosperity.
4 Fire destroys stately home Simon Trump A CENTURIES-old stately home packed with priceless antiques was wiped out by fire yesterday.
5 Cultural support measures by member states have a centuries-old tradition behind them.
6 Rapid social change sweeps away centuries-old ways of doing things, creating stress and insecurity.
7 Souvenir hunters revived the centuries-old tradition after a huge tanker washed up on the rocks below East Prawle, Devon.
8 Centuries-old varnish had yellowed and darkened, discolouring the original palette and weakening the composition's depth.
9 Baghdad has a centuries-old history.
10 Galileo's observations contradicted centuries-old dogma.
11 Founded in 1970 centuries-old history and strong power in technology.
12 You carry on a centuries-old tradition and keep pace with modern technology at the same time.
13 A centuries-old supernova remnant, its rose-tinted shock wave blasting outward at more than 11 million miles an hour[], hangs in the Large Magellanic Cloud like an iridescent holiday ornament.
14 Then the centuries-old polder method was followed - building and pumps out the water enclosed in order to reclaim the land.
15 Books have a centuries-old tradition of annotation and commentary, ranging from the Talmud and scholarly criticism to book clubs and marginalia.
16 Amid centuries-old tradition featuring royal carriages, cannon fire and state trumpeters, Queen Elizabeth has formally opened Britain's parliament.
17 Chinese vocality art has centuries-old history and full - bodied cultural tradition.
18 Hooligan rascal consciousness, has centuries-old sparkplug generational feudal smallholder economic base, has vasty colony base and long thought base, and that reflect auctorial intention.
19 The agricultural tax was rescinded ending the centuries-old practice of farmers paying taxes.
20 The change will reverse China's centuries-old identity as a largely rural country.
21 His arrogance made him virile and masculine, his stubbornness gave him the character to administer his centuries-old responsibilities.
22 Limestone reappears and is much in evidence when Hellgill Bridge is reached,[] this centuries-old structure spanning a deep gorge.
23 The Government has announced a sweeping review of the centuries-old coroners' system following Lord Clarke's criticisms.
24 Fujimori argues that the recovery is on course and that he has made important inroads against the centuries-old blight of poverty.
25 The people who are losing their homes belong to a settled community with centuries-old traditions.
26 In a sense, it will signal the end of the centuries-old dominance of the printed word.
27 As the pioneer of invention, the book culture of our country has its centuries-old history.
28 At Bozai Gumbaz, in the heart of the Little Pamir, centuries-old beehive-shaped tombs built by the Kyrgyz sit next to rusted concertina wire left over from a Soviet military base.
29 A blown-up photograph of carefully painted crackle marks that cunningly c the look of centuries-old paint elicits a smile.
30 Limousine, as a comprehensive concept, should have the preconditions of high quality and high technology; besides, stylization , individuation and centuries-old brand value are even the necessities.
More similar words: centurioncenturya series ofventureaccentuatequiescentadventurepriestseriesresolvein turngroceriesdesolateresolutedesolationresolutionacquiescencedeveloping countrieseventualmomentummanufacturingobsolescenceeventuallyorientCent.scentnutrientsolventcentredecent
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