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Verdict in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+25Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decisiondecreedeterminationfindingjudgmentpronouncementrulingSimilar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayMeaning: ['vɜrdɪkt /'vɜː-]  n. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment. 
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181. An appeal court said fresh evidence presented last month could have had a bearing on the jury's original verdict.
182. Those who find in that formulation a description of authentic Co-operation will be content with his verdict.
183. The courtroom burst into applause and shouts when the verdict was read.
184. Some members there clinked glasses and gave thumbs-up signs as they watched the verdict at the cozy first-floor bar.
185. Merseyside coroner Roy Barter recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.
186. Trials proceed until the case comes to a close with a verdict,[] mistrial or late settlement.
187. The Gnomes sat together at the end of the breakfast table and waited anxiously for the verdict.
188. Allow me to present the evidence and then reach your own verdict.
189. Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence?
190. A decidedly negative verdict in the financial markets or the polls could bring the two sides back to the table.
191. As the first verdict for Lyle Menendez was read, the elder brother looked straight ahead and then shook his head slowly.
192. I did not want a verdict that he was killed in action because he did not go out there to fight.
193. Just a few hours before the verdict he told Central News that he believed the jury would find him not guilty.
194. On the following day the jury signed a verdict that the 1277 perambulation still set forth the true bounds.
195. We looked into this chasm when our responses to the O. J. Simpson verdict cleaved largely along color lines.
196. The jury began deliberating upon its verdict on April 23.
197. The verdict came as an immense relief for Mr Major, who put his job on the line over the Maastricht Treaty.
198. Bailey, who had been free on bail, was taken into custody after the verdict Thursday.
199. To the King and most of his advisers the verdict was clear and, short of risking civil war, irresistible.
200. The jury's verdict was clearly influenced by their sympathy for the defendant.
201. When the first verdict was announced, people cheered or booed or gasped; we knew how we felt.
202. A verdict of accidental death was recorded at an inquest last week.
203. The jurors in the criminal trial did not hold a news conference after their verdict and in many cases avoided in-depth interviews.
204. The packed courtroom was hushed as the jury delivered their verdict.
205. The second guilty verdict has merely persuaded more people that the charges were groundless.
206. The judge has confined the jury to their hotel until after the verdict.
207. Because of his claimed penury, Mr Hamilton has abandoned plans to contest the libel verdict.
208. This meant that any Gascon appealing against the verdict of one of the sub-seneschals could not go directly to Paris.
209. The lesser verdict may also assist the judge in sentencing, and help the public to understand the sentence imposed.
210. Once he had learned that it was proving impossible he reluctantly nodded his agreement to a majority verdict.
More similar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayregardingaccordingrecordingjeopardizecoordinatecoordinatoraccording today after daymedicalradicalindicatejudicialdedicateindicatordepictstrictvictimindicationmedicationconvictfictionpicture
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