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Verdict in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+25Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: decisiondecreedeterminationfindingjudgmentpronouncementrulingSimilar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayMeaning: ['vɜrdɪkt /'vɜː-]  n. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision; can be used in formulating a judgment. 
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121. The jury returned a verdict of guilty at the end of the trial.
122. Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
123. Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.
124. The trial was a mockery - the judge had decided the verdict before it began.
125. The verdict was delivered in front of a packed courtroom.
126. The jury signify their verdict by a show of hands.
127. After listening to the testimony,[] the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
128. His family always insisted that the original "guilty" verdict should be overturned.
129. An open verdict was the only appropriate one , given the very unclear evidence at the inquest.
130. The accused faces an agonising wait while the jury considers its verdict.
131. The jury returned a formal verdict after direction by the judge.
132. The judge sent the jury away to consider its verdict.
133. Through a spokeswoman, Garcetti declined comment on the verdict.
134. Ceausescu's lawyers immediately lodged an appeal against the verdict.
135. Letters delivered a verdict of innocence.
136. Verdict: The only compact camera for the underwater enthusiast.
137. The guilty verdict and death sentence brought little relief.
138. The usual verdict was pilot error.
139. The verdict has increased racial discord in the country.
140. Coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of accidental death.
141. I await with interest the Market Research Society's verdict.
142. Everyone was watching in silence, awaiting his verdict.
143. He accepted the verdict philosophically.
144. No longer smiling, he stood nervously awaiting our verdict.
145. I accept full responsibility for the jury verdict.
146. The verdict was handed down on a Saturday.
147. Robin delivers the first verdict on it's performance.
148. The verdict may worsen racial hostility.
149. On 4 December 1985 the inquest returned a verdict of accidental death.
150. I could see it in their faces when they returned their verdict.
More similar words: predictdictatepredictionjurisdictiondictionary orderover and overthe other dayyesterdayregardingaccordingrecordingjeopardizecoordinatecoordinatoraccording today after daymedicalradicalindicatejudicialdedicateindicatordepictstrictvictimindicationmedicationconvictfictionpicture
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