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Upwardly mobile in a sentence

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Sentence count:23+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mobileautomobilehardly anyregardlessregardless ofawardtowardhardware
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1 The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters.
2 The meeting attracted upwardly mobile professional and political women.
3 Perhaps the upwardly mobile middle classes in 1990s Detroit are now surrounding themselves with postmodern houses and artefacts!
4 The Praga became a favoured haunt for upwardly mobile apparatchiks, visiting VIPs and wedding parties.
5 The congregation was mostly young, unmarried, well-educated and upwardly mobile.
6 He should be an achiever and upwardly mobile in his job.
7 We had moved to an upwardly mobile suburb of Chicago.
8 He is a member of an upwardly mobile generation.
9 Britain is not a truly fluid society; upwardly mobile.
10 They had considered her suitor ambitious and upwardly mobile.
11 Pentecostalism is making dramatic advances among the upwardly mobile.
12 The breathtaking pace of transformation for upwardly mobile Chinese — from bicycles to cars, village to city,( housebound holidays to ski vacations — now extends to faces.
13 upwardly mobile immigrant groups.
14 Perkiness is further buoyed upwardly mobile forecasts for economic growth.
15 It is upwardly mobile , consciously, avowedly and - as its track record continues to strengthen - proudly so.
16 A great deal of the nudge-nudge wink-wink routine by the young upwardly mobile male executives was the usual response to her presence.
17 The dating agency specializes in finding partners for the young and upwardly mobile.
18 Conforming to the more rigid traditions such as locking up women is a privilege only the upwardly mobile can afford.
19 The Kotalawalas and the in Rayigam Korale(, were both upwardly mobile Goyigama families with much local influence.
20 As the economy boomed, champagne boomed with it, becoming the house wine of the upwardly mobile.
21 It made me wonder: Why do we think that God's call is necessarily upwardly mobile?
22 This was the rise of the baby boom generation - and young upwardly mobile professionals, known as yuppies.
23 So , soon, will the final adornment of any upwardly mobile city: an IKEA.
More similar words: mobileautomobilehardly anyregardlessregardless ofawardtowardhardwareafterwardput forwardbring forwardlook forward toany moreOlympicOlympicsanonymousbadlycome up withend up withput up withdeadlykeep up withmeet up withrapidlycatch up withfriendlyallegedlysupposedlywarreportedly
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