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Olympic in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+20 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: OlympicspolyholysymptomsympathyempiredampingchampionMeaning: [-ɪk]  adj. 1. of or relating to the Olympic Games 2. of the region of Olympia in Greece or its inhabitants. 
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1. I saw the Olympic Games on television.
2. Who will play host to the next Olympic Games?
3. He plans to defend his Olympic crown.
4. Chris Boardman won the Olympic 4,000 metres pursuit.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Her trainer is a triple Olympic champion.
6. She dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion.
7. She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
8. The Olympic Games should not be politicized.
9. He topped off his career with an Olympic gold medal.
10. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell.
11. The commentary on the Olympic games was much better on the other channel.
12. The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.
13. This year's Olympic Games will be the biggest ever sporting event.
14. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.
15. The team will continue its quest for Olympic gold this afternoon.
16. The opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games is coming.
17. At the 1968 Olympic Games she had won gold medals in races at 200, 400[], and 800m.
18. Redgrave collected his fifth Olympic gold medal in Sydney.
19. Only amateurs may complete in the Olympic Games.
20. She won three Olympic gold medals.
21. He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials.
22. He lost his Olympic crown to George Rice.
23. She has won a place in the Olympic team.
24. She was a strong contender for Britain's Olympic team.
25. She's a definite for the Olympic team.
26. The Olympic Games open tomorrow.
27. Is ski-jumping an Olympic sport?
28. He's an Olympic silver medallist.
29. The Olympic Games are always televised.
30. The 16-year-old tennis prodigy is the youngest player ever to reach the Olympic finals.
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