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Unexpected in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+17Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: accidentalchancesuddenunforeseenAntonym: usualSimilar words: expectedexpectselectedexpertexpenseexpertiseexperimentexperienceMeaning: [‚ʌnɪk'spektɪd]  adj. 1. not expected or anticipated 2. made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency 3. not planned 4. happening or coming quickly and without warning. 
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181. The campaign also reverted to the traditional two-party contest with the unexpected withdrawal of undeclared independent candidate Ross Perot.
182. The most serious risk which faced them was that to their involuntarily parasitic women-folk - the unexpected death of the male breadwinner.
183. Given unexpected control of his lungs, he spluttered and drew breaths until his body took over.
184. But then in mid-June the protestors received an unexpected gift.
185. But what seemed to fascinate the youngsters most was this unexpected moment from an unexpected visitor.
186. Some unexpected expense always seems to crop up when you least want it to and throws your careful calculations out of the window.
187. It was an unexpected bonus for a man of fifty-one.
188. This self-dimming is something unexpected in his work, and suggests a new emotional climate.
189. The infrastructure projects unveiled yesterday were not unexpected, but will give a welcome fillip to the construction sector.
190. He was then faced during the presidential election campaign with an unexpected challenge by Ross Perot, a billionaire from Texas.
191. They can't come over to dinner tomorrow; they've got unexpected company.
192. If his materials and workmanship were of their normal high standard, he is entitled to some explanation for this unexpected outcome.
193. Balloon pilot John Bagwell likes to surprise tourists with this unexpected greenery in the arid center of Arizona.
194. Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
194. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
195. Motorola blamed lagging sales and lower prices for wireless phones for an unexpected drop in fourth-quarter earnings.
196. The starlings were disturbed, swirling around in S-shapes and parabolas and unexpected clusters.
197. A POLL-TAX payer has received an apology from Middlesbrough Council after an unexpected visit by the bailiffs.
198. In addition, this evaluation procedure is concerned with measuring output in terms of pre-specified goals and no attention is paid to unexpected effects.
199. Unexpected overtime, low wages and complicated antisocial hours are features for many care assistants.
200. Questions: Have local managers given consideration to the ways of minimising the effects of unexpected absence among staff?
201. Since they are not identical, this unexpected result suggests that citations by others occur before the majority of self-citations.
202. At that time, she was still coming to grips with her unexpected plunge into social activism.
203. There had been the natural initial shock of disbelief at hearing of the unexpected death of any person even casually known.
204. She barely gazed at the other women who clustered round staring, washing forgotten in the excitement of this unexpected entertainment.
205. She succumbed to an unexpected cerebral haemorrhage at the easel two weeks before the opening.
206. Or the research could go anywhere and lead to the unexpected!
207. It was entirely unexpected, and its cause a mystery, so much so that poison was inevitably suspected.
208. The Karimojong happily accepted these unexpected free gifts but have not been too enthusiastic about development projects introduced after the famine.
209. An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing your Client Details transaction.
210. Everyone in the office was distressed by Maggie's unexpected death.
More similar words: expectedexpectselectedexpertexpenseexpertiseexperimentexperienceexperiencedexpeditionexperimentalat the expense ofaspectsuspectspectrumprospectinspectorspectacleintrospectperspectiveinspectionspectacularrespectivelyintrospectionwith respect toirrespective oftunenextimmunetune in
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