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Twist in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+10Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: altercamouflagechangecirclecolorcurvedisguisedistortfalsifygyratemisrepresentpivotrotateswivelturnwheelwindSimilar words: twinJewishwish forlikewisemeet withthink twiceconflict withlistMeaning: [twɪst]  n. 1. an unforeseen development 2. an interpretation of a text or action 3. any clever maneuver 4. the act of rotating rapidly 5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments 6. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight 7. a circular segment of a curve 8. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself 9. a jerky pulling movement 10. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair 11. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the 1960s 12. the act of winding or twisting 13. turning or twisting around (in place). v. 1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) 2. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form 3. turn in the opposite direction 4. form into a spiral shape 5. form into twists 6. extend in curves and turns 7. do the twist 8. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates 9. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive 10. twist suddenly so as to sprain. 
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211. Garnished with a twist of lemon peel or a single green olive, the martini is one of the more simple cocktails.
212. For those who know nothing of the quick-step, the shake or the twist, there is a late night disco.
213. Like a lot of country writers, his tunes often provide a scenario and a twist.
214. That the warrior who seeks revenge is a woman is meant to be a big twist.
215. This was topped by the long white scarf and plain black[], double twist crown.
216. Although today began with a cool, misty, autumnal twist, it turned out gloriously fine and bright.
217. The two molecules may warp or twist slightly under the influence of the connection.
218. And in some strange, cosmic twist, the name seemed to fit.
219. The addition of the peppery radishes is a new twist on the classic idea of using baby turnips.
220. This 1919 film is notable for its stunning expressionist sets and super plot twist at the end.
221. She'd twist and turn, she'd fold herself double, she'd cry out.
222. She had even felt her mouth begin to twist itself into a grin ....
223. You'd think I was round the twist if I told you.
224. I worked on this for some time and extended, integrated and tried to twist it to my style.
225. There is a further twist to the labour supply consideration.
226. And that morning he had used every ounce of political persuasion and outright muscle to twist his colleagues into agreement.
227. So many years a teacher, you know it all! she sneered, feeling her face twist grey and cold.
228. In a peculiar twist, large numbers of Western women mimicked Eastern women in low calorie intake.
229. Using a teaspoon, fill the trout turban. Gather up four corners of filo, twist into a bundle.
230. Just when you think you're getting to grips with greenwashing, it takes another twist.
231. He had arrived at the precise moment when another twist in the plot of a murder weekend was unravelling itself.
232. She was half-smiling, with a little twist to her mouth.
233. He knew how to get along with people, how to twist arms without causing fractures.
234. Bracken Twist is a stunning new Tufted range of 12 colours, manufactured in 50% wool, 50% polypropylene.
235. At one point, I hoped this might be the twist, but no such luck.
236. The legal standoff is another twist in the case that has riveted the United States.
237. It has no message, but entertains with wit, cunning, malice and a wicked twist in the tale.
238. Sons of louts grappled with the coffin in vain; they could neither cram it in nor twist it out.
239. The final twist to the whole presentation graphics story must be the current upsurge in interest in Desktop Video.
240. Twist pony tail round and make a gap in the middle of the hair above band.
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