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Thickness in a sentence

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Sentence count:284+2Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: heavinessSimilar words: sicknesshomesicknessthickthicklydarknessnicknamechickethicMeaning: ['θɪknɪs]  n. 1. the dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width 2. indistinct articulation 3. used of a line or mark 4. resistance to flow. 
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181) The thickness of super-thin metallic film was deter-mined by changing the index of matching liquid.
182) Micrometer: An instrument used to measure accurately small distance, thickness, etc. To the nearest 1000th inch or cm.
183) Pre-Cenozoic basin structure, residual thickness and trichotomous property of basement are all shown by the impact and control of deep faults.
184) The effect of electrolyte temperature on the sparking voltage, coating thickness, and ceramic coating surface morphology was investigated.
185) Utilizing incremental theory of plasticity, free forming region strain was analyzed. The formulas for calculating strain and thickness are gained.
186) The subsidiary channels have a thickness in the range 6 - 12 m.
187) Austenite nodular cast iron test block with different thickness were cast from different saturation and CE, and the saturation and CE were verified by microstructure and mechanical properties.Sentence dictionary
188) Good leather feels soft, is flexible, uniform thickness, good resilient and durable.
189) The quantitative analysis shows that the numerical simulation cases are different from the experiment results in the place of the transition point, film thickness at low speed area and the zero point.
190) ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between disk area and retinal nerve fibril layer(RNFL)thickness in patients with large cup.
191) There is no pressure gradient through the thickness of the film.
192) There is numeric display of washed glass thickness, thus it can be precisely adjusted and observed.
193) In addition, using columniform punch and conical punch, different stress-strain distribution and thickness distribution at deformation region of flanging is compared.
194) Waveguide product plating thickness can be confirmed through surface effect depth.
195) Grinding wheel outside diameter thickness and bore may be customer specificied.
196) Simulation results show that the important factors of influencing fin heat sinks'cooling effect are fin pitch, fin thickness, base thickness and fin height.
197) Based on the test research of thickness test of enclose tideland for cultivation to throw fill, the decting principle and feasibility with geological radar and the explanation of image were narrated.
198) The structure of culm form of Bambusa wenchouensis was studied, including culm height, culm weight, culm taper, wall thickness and internodal length etc.
199) In deferent inking system, the ink thickness distribution and the ink flow ratio is different for the deference of the number of roller and the arrangement of the roller.
200) Panels (b) and (d) Cloud optical thickness and effective radius derived from all cloudy pixels, where a separate color bar is used to denote clouds processed as ice and water clouds.
201) Mode conversion efficiency has been calculated as functions of acoustic frequency, interaction length, guiding layer thickness, and acoustic drive power density.
202) MRI demonstrated abnormal signals, thickness of optic nerve and white matter lesions in brain.
203) The Shear Dilatant Effect of Joints Refers to the Increase of Joints' Volume and Thickness Accompanying Shear Displacement as Caused by the Asperity of the Joint Surface.
204) The basic principle of the on-line tube thickness measurement and the achievement of the application in the tension reducing mill of Bao Steel tube company are described.
205) Packaging should include: material state thickness closure inner lining outer securing and unit weight.
206) To ensure subgrade compaction, we must resolve the choice of subgrade soil, moisture control, shop soil thickness control and detection of degree of compaction work.
207) Hydrocarbon source rock in Langshan Formation is mainly limestone of neritic facies, whose thickness increases toward the depocenters. The organic matter is mainly of sapropel type.
208) The egg had a shell thickness of 0.14mm and the newly-hatched chick weighed nine grams.
209) Our FOXY probes range in thickness from sub - microns to a few microns.
210) Results The characteristics of image such as innerdiameter, intimate-medial, wall thickness and arteriosclerotic plaques can reflect CA arteriosclerosis, straitness etc.
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