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Idiopathic in a sentence

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Sentence count:137Posted:2017-02-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: empathicallopathyempathiseempathizesympathizeidiotidioticinsidiousMeaning: adj. (of diseases) arising from an unknown cause. 
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1) Multiple sclerosis can cause facial pain indistinguishable from idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia.
2) An idiopathic defect of magnesium absorption has been reported as a rare cause of symptomatic hypomagnesemia in infants.
3) Patients with idiopathic chronic constipation have a decreased number and duration of giant migrating complexes than healthy controls.
4) Chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction is usually caused by disease of the enteric nerves or smooth muscle.
5) This study suggests some degree of idiopathic autonomic denervation in patients with slow transit constipation.
6) Most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic.
7) Is operation necessary in idiopathic hyperaldosteronism?
8) Thrombocytosis occurs only rarely and is often idiopathic.
9) A sustained idiopathic ventricular tachycardia can cause cardiomyopathy.
10) Diagnosis: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,[] with intralobular interstitial thickening.
11) Neonatal hepatitis may be idiopathic or of viral origin.
12) Is Methamphetamine Use Associated With Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?
13) Idiopathic scoliosis is a condition restricted exclusively to humans.
14) We present two cases of idiopathic true exfoliation of the lens capsule , with histopathologic confirmation.
15) Background Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory disease that affects large and medium size arteries.
16) ObjectiveTo study the preventive and therapeutic effect of compound prescription with turtle shell (CPTS) on rats with IPF (Idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis) caused by Bleomycin A5.
17) Background— Cerebral arteriopathies, including an idiopathic focal cerebral arteriopathy of childhood (FCA), are common in children with arterial ischemic stroke and strongly predictive of recurrence.
18) Idiopathic optic neuritis ( ION ) is a common disorder of the neuro ophthalmology, which harms human vision seriously.
19) Nevertheless the absence of recurrence during long term follow up will be required to exclude underlying idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease.
20) For many patients with severe chronic constipation no cause can be found[], hence the condition is labelled as idiopathic.
21) Results Table I shows the age distribution and patient characteristics at the initial evaluation of the 174 children with idiopathic constipation.
22) Objective To study the clinical value of platelet parameters in diagnosis of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
23) Serosanguinous accumulation can be caused by cancer, usually hemangiosarcoma, idiopathic disease, trauma, clotting disorders, or left atrial rupture.
24) The goal of the present study was to determine the surgical and hospitalization costs, charges, and reimbursements for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correction surgery at one institution.
25) Objective:To investigate the predictive value of non stress test(NST) to the outcome of perinatals in idiopathic oligohydramnios pregnancies.
26) Cholesterol granuloma has a close tie with cholesteatoma and secretory otitis media as well as idiopathic hemotympanum.
27) Objective To detect serum bone specific alkaline phosphatase(BAP) and osteocalcin(OC) in children with idiopathic short stature(ISS), and explore the status of osteoblast.
28) Objective : To study the imaging characteristics and pathologic findings of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis ( IPH ).
29) No epithelial cells were found. hence . a cytological diagnosis idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was suggested.
30) Results 71.43 % of rise in creatine phosphokinase of the idiopathic hypokalemic periodic paralysis.
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