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Suddenly in a sentence

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Sentence count:222+50 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abruptlyall of a suddendeadof a suddenon the spur of the momentshortSimilar words: suddenall of a suddenopenlyenlistedbuddyaddedbefuddleda good dealMeaning: [ˈsʌd(ə)nlɪ]  adv. 1. happening unexpectedly 2. quickly and without warning 3. on impulse; without premeditation. 
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(31) He suddenly let out a piercing shriek.
(32) Suddenly she was rich beyond her wildest dreams.
(33) Suddenly the engine sputtered and stopped.
(34) Dave amazed his friends by suddenly getting married.
(35) The mules suddenly started braying.
(36) He braked suddenly,( causing the front wheels to skid.
(37) She was suddenly aware of her racing heartbeat.
(38) One of the missing paintings suddenly resurfaced.
(39) He was suddenly overcome with shyness.
(40) The sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds.
(41) All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind.
(42) Their vegetable cellar caved suddenly yesterday.
(43) A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.
(44) An elephant hulked up suddenly before us.
(45) At least he died suddenly and didn't suffer.
(46) She stopped suddenly and I almost cannoned into her.
(47) It's amazing that a stranger suddenly become your world.
(48) The horse suddenly reared up and threw me off.
(49) Suddenly a mountain loomed up in front of them.
(50) A man suddenly appeared in the doorway.
(51) The road suddenly necks down the bridge.
(52) Suddenly there was a loud bang.
(53) Her husband died suddenly last week.
(54) Mr. Jones suddenly appeared in the doorway.
(55) The story ends off rather suddenly.
(56) He's had to go into hospital rather suddenly.
(57) An idea suddenly floated into my mind.
(58) The rope holding the boat suddenly tightened and broke.
(59) Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of its cave.
(60) She was suddenly overcome by lethargy.
More similar words: suddenall of a suddenopenlyenlistedbuddyaddedbefuddleda good dealonlya good deal ofonly tooif onlymainlycommonlyonly thatungainlycertainlyonly childcertainly notdenydensedenialwoodendensityevidentincidentstudentidentityidentifytendency
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