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Stretched in a sentence

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Sentence count:271+22Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: outstretchedwretchedstretchstretchystretch outwretchednessat a stretchstretchingMeaning: [stretʃ]  adj. 1. (of muscles) relieved of stiffness by stretching 2. extended or spread over a wide area or distance. 
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181. Beyond them other streets with narrow rear alleyways and outside lavatories stretched all the way to the main road.
182. His career stretched from well before the second world war to the 1960s; he was still playing League football at 50.
183. Mr Montesinos's influence stretched into every arm of public life.
184. Billy's wide mouth stretched into a grin as he winked back.
185. His heat scorched her, and unbearably stretched nerves urged her to turn and put an end to this agony of wanting.
186. He felt drawn, close to exhaustion, his skin stretched tight, like parchment, over his brittle bones.
187. The banks of computer machines stretched away into the distance and there were only a few dim lights glowing.
188. At the thought of Penry she stretched, cat-like, her mouth curving in a dreamy smile.
189. Anthea turned out the light and stretched full length on the bed.
190. I stretched out on the front seat and immediately dropped off-only to be awakened an hour later.
191. I was stretched full-length upon the bodies, my battered hand resting on the rim of the tub.
191. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
192. Netting can also be stretched over the hoops used for the popular polythene tunnel cloches.
193. Then she raised her arms like a victorious swimmer, stretched toward the ceiling, and came back.
194. The A380 will compete directly with a stretched version of Boeing's 747.
195. In her sleep Alcyone moaned and stretched her arms out to clasp him.
196. For five years, Hong Kong was a bubble of optimism, growing fatter and fatter while its walls stretched thinner.
197. In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
198. A band of cloud stretched low across the valley and it was raining slightly.
199. He stretched and picked up the phone, but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation.
200. It stretched before them, appearing huge[], despite the crowd gathered for the evening meal.
201. Randall Lodge's attractive formal gardens stretched round the east and south-east aspects.
202. In the foreground of the picture, though, is a procession of worshippers carrying offering bowls stretched out in front of them.
203. It stretched from the infancy of radio broadcasting in the early twenties right through to television and the present day.
204. I swung my boots up on to the bed and stretched out full length.
205. Later we stretched out on the long benches of the White Horse Farm, comparing our bruises and recounting our 30-mile epic.
206. Carrie eased her position in the cushioned chair and stretched again.
207. The vast curling crest of the hurricane reared over them, and its face stretched from horizon to horizon.
208. On either side of the well-guarded checkpoint stretched wire fences, barbed-wire entanglements and minefields.
209. Many libraries have found that their financial resources are stretched to the limit.
210. The orchestra is severely stretched to maintain any sort of cogent line, and the fantasy of the work is all but lost.
More similar words: outstretchedwretchedstretchstretchystretch outwretchednessat a stretchstretchingbewitchedentrenchedwretchbutchercatcherpitcherarchedpinchedkitchensatchelcatchesschedulepoachedparchedquenchedbritchescrotchetretreatbroachedcrunchedattacheddrenched
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