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Stem in a sentence

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Sentence count:230+7Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: sternSimilar words: systemecosystemsolar systemstep by stepitemtemplestatementexcitementMeaning: [stem]  n. 1. (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed 2. a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ 3. cylinder forming a long narrow part of something 4. the tube of a tobacco pipe 5. front part of a vessel or aircraft 6. a turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it. v. 1. grow out of, have roots in, originate in 2. cause to point inward 3. stop the flow of a liquid 4. remove the stem from. 
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151. They stem from an inadequate analysis of the legal and ethical principles involved.
152. Now cut the tomato in half from stem top to bottom.
153. The government requested international assistance to support the balance of payments and to stem the decline in international reserves.
154. The bright green, narrow, lance-shaped leaves are arranged round the stem.
155. These four varieties are ideal small garden plants, as they grow on a single stem and don't need pruning.
156. These benefits are held to stem from three separate but connected effects of removing the barriers to free movement.
157. Many neurologic disorders affecting the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord posterior column may cause dizzy sensations.
158. The cerebellum, atop the brain stem, has many more, thanks to so many little granule cell neurons.
159. When pressing freesias you can use almost all the flower, as well as some of the stem.
160. The General Manager is inside it, in a wetsuit, trying to stem the flood.
161. Still smiling, still watching her, Guido reached unhurriedly behind him and detached a stem of bright red geranium.
162. The internal state of the organism is monitored by means of receptors, mostly situated in the brain stem.
163. In general, elite settlements stem from long periods of conflict and crises that threaten to rekindle widespread violence.
164. Dubuque community leaders were persuaded that a merger of Mercy and Finley offered the best chance to stem growing costs.
165. However, removing the stem cells kills the embryo, and therefore has serious ethical implications.
166. Along the stem rail there is a line of telescopes; each brings the shore into focus at a given distance.
167. The chimpanzee then pulls out the grass stem and picks off the termites with its teeth, smacking its lips with pleasure.
168. Methods 81 cases of brain stem hemorrhage were reviewed.
169. Stem fleshy, gray to white, waxy.
170. ObjectiveTo investigate the effects of Vaccinium bracteatum Thunb. Leaf ethanol extract(VEE)and its different extracts on the anti-oxidative capability of brain stem in sleep-deprived rats.
171. Methods A cleansing enema of the colon through the stem of appendix and a ileostomy were performed.
172. KSC have become ideal research target cells in gene transfer, since abnormal epidermal gene expression can be regulated through stem cell gene transfer.
173. The entire rose stem and posy can be folded in the palm. Loose your hand and the whole bunch of flowers can popup automatically.
174. Corneal limbus stem cells are the source of corneal epithelial renewal and they help maintain the integrity of cornea.
175. Hair furcation because the surface layer of hair stem has been already damaged.
176. Absence of the infundibular stem, abnormal thickening of the stem, and mass lesions involving the infundibular stem were the predominant abnormalities.
176. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
177. Objective To explore whether mesenchymal stem cells could be isolated from human umbilical cord blood and would be able to differentiate into chondroblast in vitro.
178. AIM: The key of the human embryonic stem cell culture is to guarantee the totipotency and inhibit spontaneous differentiation.
179. The trichoid sensilla are arranged on the inner side (windward side) surface of the antennal stem and branch in each flagella segment.
180. But the commission faces the problem that, as with Lysenko, many of China's fraud cases appear to stem from the inherent pressures that are built into the dynamics of Chinese science.
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