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Stable in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+19Posted:2017-02-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barnestablishedfirmsecuresettledsoundsteadfaststeadySimilar words: tablenotabletableauestablishportablesuitablevegetablepalatableMeaning: ['steɪbl]  n. a farm building for housing horses or other livestock. v. shelter in a stable. adj. 1. resistant to change of position or condition 2. firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation 3. not taking part readily in chemical change 4. maintaining equilibrium 5. showing little if any change. 
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241. Guide by nylon slide, lubricate well, lifting up and down stable.
242. High quality integrated image intensifier and CCD camera the function more stable and the image clearer.
243. The ground state of hydrogen is stable for an indefinitely long period of time.
244. Products enjoy a high status among consumers, retailers and agents with established long - term stable cooperative relations.
245. The main objective is to SWOP, guarantee publication advertising stable quality of necessary parameters.
246. Independent gear box, gimbal axis, oil immersed type lubricating to reduce noise, keep running stable.
247. With a stable light source, this can be determined from a preliminary observ ation.
248. In summary, data that is distributed must be both immutable and stable.
249. When utilizing the nanosecond impluse applied power, the discharge is the most homogenous and stable.
250. OBJECTIVE To an optimized formulation of the stable magnetoliposomes with high encapsulation efficiency of methotrexate.
251. In recent years, the company's gross margin position at the forefront, and remained relatively stable.
252. Alkaline relatively stable sodium hypochlorite solution, commonly known as An Ti Ming.
253. Driving longitudinally to adopt gear, rack transmitting design,( which ensures the stable movement of the machine.
254. The pound broke, but the dollar and the franc remained stable.
255. Up to now Khartoum is in stable situation any violence and unrest.
256. Adopt the original installation import gasoline engine to make the power, stable quality and reliable performance.
257. Red Glass Beads - Increase human relationship, to harmonize things, stable career.
258. He works imprudently and obtrusively, and is never a stable man.
259. One problem in the preparation Multicolor Coating was how to keep the dispersed colorful granules stable.
260. The exchange rate between the Hong Kong dollar and the RMB is very stable.
261. Horseman 100 - 2 days travel time on stable trips ( min . 1 day ).
262. Let T be a stable isometry of the Abelian Lattie - Ordered group G.
263. The stable range of a 1 degree - of - freedom haptic system in admittance display is discussed.
264. The results indicate that wBN is structurally stable below 400 GPa and no phase transition is observed.
265. A stable and feasible culture method of lymphatic endothelial cells is established.
266. Conclusion: Using cell proliferation method to detect the ADCC effect of monocyte is stable and accurate.
267. Multifaceted optimizations are performed on the logic[], resulting in one more stable running state.
268. In view of integral rank circumstance is relatively stable 2006, hawkish's expression is highlighted especially.
269. Objective To establish a stable, practical and efficient method of the making bacterial flagellum specimen.
270. On the wheel exists in name only rear guard line, today stable many.
More similar words: tablenotabletableauestablishportablesuitablevegetablepalatabletimetableequitablecomfortableimmutableadaptabledebatableveritableon the tableirritableinimitabletablespoonhospitabledelectablecreditableacceptableinevitableprofitableunbeatableirrefutableuncomfortableinscrutablerespectable
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