Similar words: squeak, squeaking, sneaky, freaky, squeamish, bequeath, hue and cry, value added tax. Meaning: ['skwɪːkɪ] adj. having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge.
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2 Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all.
3 A little bit of oil works wonders on squeaky hinges.
4 That squeaky voice is beginning to jar on me.
5 an all-American boy with a squeaky clean image.
6 The floor is squeaky clean.
7 How squeaky clean can I get?
8 Her voice is kind of high and squeaky.
9 His voice, he thought,[] sounded curiously squeaky.
10 He had a squeaky voice.
11 This door needs oiling - it's very squeaky.
12 John has a squeaky clean reputation.
13 She has a very high(, squeaky voice.
14 Verily, Jacob's Mouse are squeaky clean.
15 His high-pitched squeaky voice set my teeth on edge.
16 Within minutes, Tamika, squeaky clean for the first time in days, is proudly pulling the clothing on.
17 Something about his rubbery features and squeaky voice trigger my cootie detector.
18 The speaker was squeaky, but I could make out what was being said.
19 If you have a squeaky little voice, people tend not to listen to your ideas.
20 The toy, the squeaky duck or whatever, will be offered to him by the smiling child.
21 Not just as squeaky clean, boring Ewan Famber but as a man.
22 He's a squeaky clean kid -- doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs or anything.
23 Other details: Have the mouse talk in a squeaky mouse voice and the lion in a deep growling voice.
24 Equally, all customers are not squeaky clean, so there's quite often a story to be told from both sides.
25 The beginning of the main strip in Shelbyville is a squeaky clean residential area.
26 Union Sundown appear to share their guitars and their squeaky vocal style but their songs are longer and have a grittier tone.
27 Shot in vibrant colours and from bizarre angles, their squeaky clean Space Age home epitomises this antiseptic respectability.
28 It's juice running down chins, fingers instead of forks, plates licked squeaky clean and belts loosened around waists.
29 Around the corner, their classmates practiced pulling small-fry violin bows across squeaky strings.
30 She blinks her blue beady eyes and wrinkles her small pink nose and puts on this squeaky little sugar-mouse voice.