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Spell in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+18Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: charmfascinationperiodshiftstretchtimetranceSimilar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellsellMeaning: [spel]  n. 1. a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation 2. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else) 3. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition 4. a verbal formula believed to have magical force. v. 1. orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of 2. indicate or signify 3. write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word) 4. relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn 5. place under a spell 6. take turns working. 
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241. Only a few metres through its portals and already the spell was reaching her, soothing her jagged nerves.
242. The former Republican senator from Maine brings priorities that spell hope for companies worried about further cuts to military spending.
243. He smiled at her and, in offering her reassurance, broke the spell that held them.
244. The hot spell broke.
245. In case you're wondering-for the hospital form-this is how you spell tetanus.
246. Earlier, in the sixth round, Hulka got the giggles when the contest judges asked him to spell haggis.
247. After a spell in the army, he developed this into a business taking second-rate acts to provincial Soviet cities.
248. A cold spell simply halts flowering for a little while.
249. The kiss of the prince breaks the spell of narcissism and awakens a womanhood which up to then has remained undeveloped.
250. A short spell of hard work in quiet surroundings would not be a bad thing.
251. When comparing companies, beware of fine print that can spell significant differences.
252. Then, in 1979, he had a brief spell as manager of non-league Oxford City.
253. Of course first you have to buy into the spell.
254. The duchess's chief failing seems to me an inability even to spell perjury.
254. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
255. What baffles me is how few of them can spell.
256. The end of a lean spell for Wilkinson has put Boro back on course for the all-important second spot.
257. These are the pay and conditions which were imposed following the long spell of industrial action.
258. That is the kind of dry spell some strikers not too distant from Ewood Park would sell their grandmother for.
259. Yet reform could spell disaster for a regime whose very fundamentals rested on a resistance to change.
260. Prepare the ground with leaf-mould and a little bonemeal, and mulch with leaf-mould during a wet spell each summer.
261. The tiny sound of distress broke the spell and spurred Grant into action.
262. As bong as we avoided the real subject, the spell would not be broken.
263. Roland then removed the spell from himself and the good foster daughter.
264. I had a spell in the middle of the season when I was useless.
265. Jean-Claude returned from Paris mute and exhausted, as if under a spell.
266. If the target is engaged in hand-to-hand combat the spell will also affect all troops which are fighting against it.
267. We are allocated a nursery for our weekly spell of baby care.
268. Even now I find it harder to conjure up memories of Kennedy, harder to fall back under that inexplicable spell.
269. Next week we spell out what they mean for you as well as providing a full list of all the candidates standing for election.
270. The plot, a dense swirl of memory and intermingled narratives, works like a spell.
More similar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellselltellswellhelloselleras wellsell offsell outtell onyellowsmell outwell-knowndwell onsmell ofwell knownfeel likemay as wellas well assatellitespeakspeedspendwhisper
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