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Spell in a sentence

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Sentence count:292+18Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: charmfascinationperiodshiftstretchtimetranceSimilar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellsellMeaning: [spel]  n. 1. a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation 2. a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else) 3. a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition 4. a verbal formula believed to have magical force. v. 1. orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of 2. indicate or signify 3. write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word) 4. relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn 5. place under a spell 6. take turns working. 
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211. It was just a brief spell of ownership; the war meant petrol rationing.
212. Spell after spell crashed down on the Dark Elves, the carnage was too awful to contemplate.
213. Even after he stepped down in 1990 following a plebiscite rejecting his rule, his spell still hung over the nation.
214. Some in the industry even predicted that e-commerce would spell the death of malls.
215. On its shoulders stands another pair of nozzles, which cast an altogether more subtle spell.
216. At Harwell laboratories, they've been monitoring air pollution and found the levels went up during the recent hot spell.
217. He did not leave Hampshire until 1936, during which lengthy spell he played 700 matches - a record - for them.
218. On close inspection it looks more like the second touring production of Absurd Person Singular after a long spell in Pitlochry.
219. The courts have not been given a mandate to spell out collective responsibilities, and even less to police them.
220. First-team manager David Hughes believes, however, that this barren 12-month spell creates a false picture.
221. Already, he says, it is worse than the drought of 1956, once considered the definitive Texas dry spell.
222. The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
223. Veterinary historians still differ sharply about the effect his long spell in charge of the College had on the emerging profession.
224. Numbers Most business writers get confused about when to spell out numbers and when to use numerals.
224. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
225. Until I met Donna my social life was a dry spell.
226. The Rumanian talent was world number one for a brief spell in the same year.
227. McAvennie's second spell at West Ham was in marked contrast to his first.
228. Not even the yawning chasms in the road caused by freeze-thaw action during the recent cold spell can upset it.
229. The Angelus bells ceased ringing and, the spell broken, Judith shook off her doubts.
230. After a spell of this, during which he gave no hint of moving, Rain decided to escape.
231. Proofread and edit the completed document. use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.
232. Mrs Fanning had broken the spell of the wild and beautiful dancers.
233. Moreover, Celtic have only conceded two goals during their most consistent spell of the season.
234. The initial letters spell the word H-O-W and serve as a reminder of how recovery is achieved through all one's relationships.
235. Some deaf children are, however, very proficient at sign language and they can also spell out words using finger spelling.
236. Apart from the brief cold spell in late November, we have had very few hard frosts.
237. I, for one, would not break that spell, nor flaunt the laws that he has made.
238. The dry spell is a real turn-around from recent rainy winters.
239. While Lisa initially considers her not-too-secret admirer a little strange, she quickly falls under his spell.
240. If you suspect you will be facing a greater daemon spare no effort to acquire the Banishment spell.
More similar words: compellingcompelwellyellbellcellshellselltellswellhelloselleras wellsell offsell outtell onyellowsmell outwell-knowndwell onsmell ofwell knownfeel likemay as wellas well assatellitespeakspeedspendwhisper
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