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Sparse in a sentence

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Sentence count:167+6Posted:2016-10-09Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: meagerscantyscarceskimpyAntonym: denseSimilar words: coarsesparkharshin tearsspanspacespatesolar systemMeaning: [spɑrs /spɑːs]  adj. not dense. 
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(31) Some short-haired breeds have guard hairs that are less than 2 inches in length, sparse awn hairs and no down hairs.
(32) Here, they are still able to dig through the snow to uncover whatever sparse winter vegetation remains below.
(33) Data on breaches of the taboo in small-scale communities are sparse and largely considered as cases of individual deviance.
(34) Thus firewood is the most important source of energy in desert areas, where vegetation is sparse.
(35) They can, therefore, exist quite happily in areas of sparse vegetation.
(36) It is perhaps for this reason that critical literature on the genre as a whole is sparse.
(37) Lunch is a sparse plate of sandwiches with salmon paste or paper-thin processed turkey roll.
(38) The landscaping was sparse, composed of drought-tolerant plants: pyracantha wistaria, and succulents.
(39) They are equally at home in dense forest, sparse woodland, savanna, or even on rocky hillsides.
(40) Could it be that there are many doctors not working because even in general practice part time opportunities are sparse?
(41) Sparse, willful and distinct, Ladd manages an enviable economy with his music.
(42) Collectivisation in particular is disastrous for nomadic peoples, who need to roam freely to feed their animals on sparse vegetation.
(43) I had seen this stuff sticking out of the sides of sand-dunes, sparse as pubescent whiskers.
(44) John is sparse of frame and comment but had a very dry humour.
(45) Aside from the pottery itself, the evidence for the manufacture of early Anglo-Saxon pottery is sparse.
(46) Trees are sparse in this part of the world because of the continuous wind that blows across the plains.
(47) The furniture was sparse: a circular table and two chairs; a plain bookshelf crammed with books about art and artists.
(48) Published literature on the role of semantic processing within computerised text recognition is sparse.
(48) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(49) Nevertheless, direct evidence implicating IRF-1 as the critical target gene in 5q deletions remains sparse.
(50) After this, evidence about Anne Batten Cristall's life is very sparse.
(51) Furthermore as the matrix becomes less sparse the problems associated with storage increase.
(52) When we first entered the farm country, the beeps, sparse and irregular, jolted me.
(53) However, sunshine was a sparse commodity and we found the short, dark winter days of these latitudes very depressing at first.
(54) Background: Montana, our fourth largest state but with a sparse population, is home to large herds of elk.
(55) Agriculture in the south will suffer as underground water is exhausted and already sparse summer rain disappears.
(56) Driven out from richer regions, all they now had were these vast but very sparse pastures.
(57) But with their sparse population they are scarcely worth the price of a campaign advertisement.
(58) Counties with low population density have sparse shading while counties with high population density have dark shading.
(59) Shea said the sparse cell where Salvi is housed is designed to frustrate suicide attempts.
(60) The theoretical aspects of these techniques are well covered but the environmental applications are rather sparse.
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