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Size in a sentence

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Sentence count:262+57Posted:2017-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: extentmeasureproportionscopeAntonym: weightSimilar words: size uppint-sizeemphasizesizeablesynthesizehypothesizesizzlingseizeMeaning: [saɪz]  n. 1. the physical magnitude of something (how big it is) 2. the property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing) 3. any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics 4. the actual state of affairs 5. a large magnitude. v. 1. cover or stiffen or glaze a porous material with size or sizing (a glutinous substance) 2. sort according to size 3. make to a size; bring to a suitable size. adj. (used in combination) sized. 
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151. We can't give loans of that size to just anyone.
152. The size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings.
153. Using the straight edge as a guide, trim the cloth to size.
154. In this game, the three - year - old children are asked to size down the ten toy cars within 30 seconds.
155. To be able to buy a house of that size has to be in the money.
156. You can get a rough idea of the size of the room by pacing it out.
157. Despite the vehicle's size and weight it is not difficult to drive.
158. There's been a big reduction in the size of the British merchant fleet in recent years.
159. We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres.
160. He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect.
161. The cabin is of moderate size - just right for a small family.
162. I don't eat much(, yet I am a size 16.
163. The workforce has tripled in size since the new factory opened.
164. The size of the fish will determine the thickness of the steaks.
165. Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players.
166. The China Daily has decreased in size,[] but not in quality.
167. As the jewel was in the rough state , he had no idea what size it would be when cut.
168. Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
169. Average family size has decreased from five to three children.
170. Do you have this sweatshirt in an extra large size?
171. We've completely sold out of those shirts in your size, sir.
172. Size of pension depends partly on length of service with the company.
173. The data transmission is split into a number of packets of equal size.
174. Some fishing is still allowed, but limits have been imposed on the size of the catch.
175. The firm underestimated the size of the market for their new product.
176. American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market.
177. The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its relatively small size.
178. Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.
179. The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey.
180. The company has now overtaken IBM in terms of size and reach.
More similar words: size uppint-sizeemphasizesizeablesynthesizehypothesizesizzlingseizeprizebaizeionizeseizedbedizenatomizeagonizecognizerealizemonetizewizenedutilizecitizenidolizedenizenpenalizememorizedeputizesubsidizepolarizemobilizemaximize
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