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Sank in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+34Posted:2016-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandpeasantsandwichchitosansanctiontankrankblank
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(211) Schumacher sank back in his seat and downed the tumbler of whisky which had appeared at his side.
(212) That evening, as the sun sank over the marsh and the sea an odd group gathered in the dusk.
(213) One of the boats sank after gas cylinders inside exploded.The other was completely burned out.Richard Barnet reports.
(214) Helen sank down in a chair and waited for her father, who had been due back hours earlier.
(215) A park keeper was ordered to pay £800 compensation to the owner of a £1,000 model yacht he sank.
(216) The big patrol boat cut its engines as it drew level, and the grey-painted military hull sank down into the water.
(217) She sank into unconsciousness.
(218) I sank into the leather armchair and thought to myself that this couldn't be real.
(219) I sat on the wheelbarrow and sank my teeth into a fresh loaf. Dry bread was the norm.
(220) She went into the drawing-room and sank down into a chair.
(221) He scanned the newsprint greedily while his teeth sank into the bacon sandwich, the melted margarine dribbling over his fingers.
(222) He sank back into his chair as Pyke and I walked away from the table,[] and tossed the whisky down his throat.
(223) She returned to her chair and sank down into it burying her face in her hands.
(224) She sank deep down again, unable to stay alert, and saw without wanting to a giant Catherine-wheel in the sky.
(225) Birth rates soared and career women sank in prestige to the level of drop-outs in the great breeding stakes.
(226) Then she kicked it away and sank on to the bed covering her face with her hands.
(227) Her head sank on to her chin and a kind of blank look misted over her eyes.
(228) The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about.
(229) Feeling frightened, he scurried back up the stairs and sank bewildered into his armchair.
(230) In many cities, they sank into a vicious cycle of drugs, crime, teenage pregnancy, and welfare dependency.
(231) Dizzy with pain, Cassie sank into the cushions of the sofa and sat supporting her injured arm.
(232) Money center banks, telephone and drug issues gained, while communications equipment, beverage and electrical equipment shares sank.
(233) When campaigns ended in disaster and the submarine sank disillusionment and self-criticism set in.
(234) A river passenger boat crashed into a cargo ship and sank on the Amazon on March 7 after leaving Iquitos.
(235) He sank into his chair and tried to compose himself.
(236) Robyn dumped her holdall on to the floor and sank on to one of the chintzy sofas.
(237) Bette concluded with a gasp and sank her teeth into her sandwich.
(238) When she was free she took him into the office and sank into a chair as though exhausted.
(239) As the land sank toward An Khe, I reduced the collective and let the ship descend slowly.
(240) But once she had tried it on, her spirits sank once more to unprecedented depths.
More similar words: sandpeasantsandwichchitosansanctiontankrankblankanklethankthanksbankerblanketbankingfranklythanks togive thanksthe rank and fileThanksgiving
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