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Sank in a sentence

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Sentence count:256+34Posted:2016-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandpeasantsandwichchitosansanctiontankrankblank
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(241) Then he was in the hold, chilly waters around his knees as he sank through the bottom of the boat itself.
(242) There was a layer of fine dust: Your feet sank into 3 inches of fine powder, and it was everywhere.
(243) He closed the door, walked into the living room and sank happily into the armchair.
(244) Then the Sun sank below the rings, so that they framed it with their arches, and the celestial fireworks ceased.
(245) She ran the bath, loading it with bubble-bath, and sank down into the water.
(246) There was a time I went down like a stone in a pond and sank clear to the bottom.
(247) Sam Fermoyle sank uneasily into the leather chair beside the mahogany desk.
(248) An attempt to include such a ban sank the last effort at constitutional reform[], made by Congress in 1989.
(249) He returned thoughtfully to his quiet house and sank into an armchair.
(250) She sank down on the bed with the photograph gripped so tightly in her hands that the paper buckled.
(251) The truck sank with a loud gurgle to mid-window, then settled into the mud directly in front of the loading ramp.
(252) The Pennsy was one of the two major railroads that formed Penn Central, which sank into bankruptcy and then became Conrail.
(253) She let herself into the kitchen and sank into a chair before the fire that urgently needed mending.
(254) Then they sank back into armchairs, thanking the Lord that never again in their lives would they move house.
(255) I imagined I could feel my feet getting wet as the dock sank with shame into the bay.
(256) She had even saved his life in 1978, when he sank into a coma after suffering a brain haemorrhage.
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