Synonym: Mexican valium, R-2, circle, forget me drug, lasso, leash, roach, roofy, rophy. Similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property. Meaning: [rəʊp] n. 1. a strong line 2. street names for flunitrazepan. v. 1. catch with a lasso 2. fasten with a rope.
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91) He clutched wildly at the rope as he fell.
92) The thieves had trussed the guard up with rope.
93) This rope has too much give in it.
94) There's too much play in the rope.
95) He lost his hold on the rope.
96) She untied the rope and set the boat adrift.
96) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
97) He got hold of the rope and pulled hard.
98) The bucket swung from the end of a rope.
99) Tom threaded the rope through the safety harness.
100) His tendons stood out like rope beneath his skin.
101) He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.
102) The climber grasped at the rope.
103) The rope should be paid off.
104) He tied the rope to a tree.
105) We need more play on the rope.
106) She moved forward,[] inching towards the rope.
107) He kept pulling at the rope until it broke.
108) She whirled the rope round and round .
109) I got a purchase on the rope and pulled.
110) He tied the rope around his waist.
111) We'd better rope up for this difficult cliff.
112) She tied the rope securely to a tree.
113) We anchored ourselves to the rocks with a rope.
114) Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.
115) The rope parted from the tree.
116) He grabbed the rope and gave it a wrench.
117) They fastened the rope to a tree.
118) Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope.
119) He attached the rope securely to a tree.
120) I clutched at the rope but missed.
More similar words: rope in, properly, improper, property, European, propensity, eastern europe, private property, hope against hope, cope, open, opera, hope, pope, scope, slope, openly, operate, open air, operator, hopeful, opening, hopeless, in the open, soap opera, cope with, operating, operation, cooperate, developer.