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Psychiatric in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+5Posted:2017-09-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: psychiatricalSimilar words: psychiatristpsychiatrypsychometricspsychicpsychicspsychicalpediatricgeriatricMeaning: [‚saɪkɪ'ætrɪk(l)]  adj. relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry. 
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211 Perhaps it is Upjohn that is being highly selective regarding evidence on serious psychiatric reactions to triazolam.
212 In units with long-stay residents or psychiatric units this may be particularly important and is a necessary part of the programme.
213 One Bostonian donated an old car, another, free psychiatric care to help with traumas of war.
214 All psychiatric problems are brain problems, and the psychiatrists are changing their classification scheme to try and avoid that cartesian dichotomy.
215 And says if he'd been given his own psychiatric nurse ... he would never have jumped off the train.
216 The group was made up of an educational psychologist, a psychiatric social worker, an educational welfare worker and myself.
217 But why does that prove that the lousy conduct is a psychiatric illness?
218 Eighty-nine percent of men and 84 percent of women were previously known to the psychiatric services, indicating longstanding problems.
219 Improving models I work in a psychiatric hospital on a unit caring for functionally ill elderly people.
220 The Secretary-General rejected Graham on the basis of his psychiatric report.
221 Organic has tended to mean obvious damage of some sort, producing psychiatric symptoms.
222 It is also possible for patients to be admitted directly to general hospitals and never to psychiatric hospital.
223 The boy drew cartoon images of a courtroom sketch artist and a reporter Wednesday while Easton made plans for his psychiatric evaluation.
224 Limbic system disease, which causes both epilepsy and psychiatric symptoms.
225 Impotence has for some time been the leading complaint at most college psychiatric clinics.
226 In psychiatric hospitals, the countywide average stay has plummeted from 22 days five years ago to 13 days now.
227 Carol Buckley became so depressed that she attempted suicide and spent 1 years in and out of psychiatric hospitals.
228 Even after years of psychiatric treatment, she was full of hidden anger.
229 The drug produces more psychiatric effects and probably more cardiac toxicity than does levodopa.
229 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
230 This might be based on a psychiatric clinic or a voluntary agency such as the Samaritans.
231 There was some sort of radical psychiatric treatment involved.
232 Conclusion:The hospitalization fastigium of psychiatric correlated with season.
233 Our intention in this study was to identify factors that increase the risk of postpartum psychosis in women without a history of psychiatric hospitalisation.
234 Others argue with equal force that gender dysphoria , as it is known, is a psychiatric affliction and that mutilating the body to fit the afflicted psyche is to inflict a double injury on the patient.
235 This phenomenon, known as confabulation in psychiatric jargon, is also found in people with frontal lobe disorders.
236 The community vocational rehabilitation of mental disorder is main stream in psychiatric medicine in twentieth century.
237 Jaspers' psychopathology is a symbol of the transition of psychiatric theory from Kraepelins' nosological conception to descriptive-symptomatological conception.
238 It is a psychiatric classification and describes the problems related to transgender identity, and transvestism.
239 Pizza Man: And everyone at the psychiatric hospital is an FBI agent?
240 But they saw how well behaved I was and decided it meant I could behave well only in the environment of a psychiatric hospital and it proved I was mad.
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