Similar words: psychosis, psychology, psychologist, psychopathic, psychoanalyst, psychological, psychologically, psychoanalysis. Meaning: ['saɪkəʊ] n. a person afflicted with psychosis.
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1) Don't let him drive-he's a complete psycho behind the wheel!
2) Some psycho picked her up, and killed her.
3) The man's a psycho.
4) He suddenly went psycho and started shooting in all directions.
5) But playing a psycho killer palls fairly soon.
6) Psycho made over 4,000 consecutive appearances before it was withdrawn in 1880.
7) He created several automatons, the most celebrated being Psycho, which first performed in 1875.
8) When the psycho is caught, then let go on a technicality, Mom takes matters into her own hands.
9) Psycho and Peeping Tom, both of which are more than 30 years-old and remain deeply shocking, are also ignored.
10) Flesh-eating psycho played by Sir Anthony Hopkins is back in a slick, camp sequel.
11) Psycho was a cross-legged Hindu figure, twenty-two inches high, which played whist with the audience.
12) I've lost two of my men to this psycho.
13) The director of Psycho was Alfred Hitchcock.
14) Do you want a Psycho rematch?
15) Do you want a Psycho Taxi rematch?
16) Methods Questionnaires of psycho - problems were conducted in 40 hospitalized patients with psychosis during convalescence.
17) Cognitive therapy play an important role in the Psycho - counseling framework.
18) How many of you believe in psycho - kinesis Raise my hand.
19) It may be diagnosis as a psycho - disease and not mental disease.
20) Psycho - fatigue is a common ticklish problem in English learning.
21) Thus[], the development of psycho consultation in china have to go through the process of nativeness.
22) Objective To understand the psycho - problems of patients with psychosis during convalescence.
23) Where the psycho vigilante killer continues his daily strung out.
24) In his new film, he plays the part of a crazed psycho.
25) When he feels low, he often calls in his psycho doctor, and feels better for a chat with him.
26) For all I knew she might have been a psycho or a girl with a little blackmail on her mind.
27) Then she goes back to sleep while I go downstairs to face the psycho killer who broke in.
28) So you want the world to stop, stop in and watch your body fully drop, from the time you were a psycho, groupie, cocaine,( crazy.
29) But if you are looking for a good cliff-hanger, you might try some films voted among the best of the genre such as Psycho, North by Northwest, The French Connection, Rosemary's Baby, and Jaws.
30) This article introduces the experience in development of general station hospital with psycho neurology as its main department.
More similar words: psychosis, psychology, psychologist, psychopathic, psychoanalyst, psychological, psychologically, psychoanalysis, neuropsychological, psyche, psychic, psychical, psychedelic, psychiatrist, by choice, gypsy, tipsy, sycophant, biopsy, lip-sync, autopsy, by chance, topsy-turvy, narcolepsy, strychnine, only child, by any chance, play chicken, y chromosome, policy change.