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Psychiatric in a sentence

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Sentence count:295+5Posted:2017-09-14Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: psychiatricalSimilar words: psychiatristpsychiatrypsychometricspsychicpsychicspsychicalpediatricgeriatricMeaning: [‚saɪkɪ'ætrɪk(l)]  adj. relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry. 
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181 Consequently, they have continued to dominate the style of psychiatric practice in many districts.
182 There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder, although it was clear that she had become withdrawn since the breakup of her relationship.
183 A welcome exception are the social clubs for former psychiatric patients run by voluntary organizations.
184 Prisons, too, are forced to handle men with profound psychiatric problems in conditions which are totally unsuitable.
185 The woman was attacked yesterday afternoon while working in the psychiatric unit of the Torbay Hospital, Torquay, Devon.
186 The differential diagnosis includes both primary psychiatric illness and a wide range of organic acute brain syndromes, including substance abuse.
187 She was also fitted with a hearing-aid and conciliation with the neighbours was engineered by a community psychiatric nurse.
188 Health insurance companies will not cover alcohol or drug related illnesses or psychiatric care.
189 The case illustrates a growing crisis for the mentally ill in Mississippi and other states, where psychiatric facilities are scarce.
190 Ranby prison, midway between Worksop and Retford, would turn to Bassetlaw Hospital for its prisoners' psychiatric care.
191 She sought discovery of psychiatric reports held by the defendants who were the education authority.
192 Hospital records were sought for such patients who had died in care outside psychiatric hospitals.
193 O'Connor had had sentence deferred for psychiatric and social background reports last month.
194 Thus, for example, they were more likely than the psychiatrists to diagnose psychiatric disorder or recommend inpatient care.
195 In some cases the psychiatric service did not admit people to hospital early enough.
196 Nor was there a difference in the proportion of those committing suicide who had previously been in touch with the psychiatric service.
197 The number of psychiatric facilities in the state has dropped from 63 in January 1993 to 45 today.
198 If we do take on such students what about improved links with hospital and psychiatric services?
199 The dangerous alternative to the psychiatric help he is offering is Despair.
199 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200 Suicide Although suicide is not, in itself, a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health.
201 Mr Justice Jowitt adjourned sentence for social inquiry and psychiatric reports.
202 Care on discharge A carefully planned programme of subsequent care should be arranged before a patient is discharged from psychiatric inpatient treatment.
203 Design - Retrospective review of hospital records of patients aged less than 73 years admitted to psychiatric hospital with various diagnoses of dementia.
204 Rudman was sent to a psychiatric hospital last year after admitting the manslaughter of his wife on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
205 Concluding comments Attempted suicide continues to present a very challenging problem for medical and psychiatric services.
206 It was a combination that destroyed his ability to cope with life, and he sought psychiatric help in 1950.
207 Next day I decided to speak to Inder Lal about psychiatric treatment.
208 Though he had been a psychiatric nurse Bob attached more value to medication and group therapy than to dream interpretation.
209 Those with serious psychiatric disorders, especially depression with serious suicidal ideation or significant impairment of insight.
210 Some have shifted their focus to other psychiatric disorders, such as eating disorders.
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