Synonym: coming, due, eventual, future, retrospective. Similar words: retrospective, prospect, introspection, perspective, respective, irrespective, respectively, irrespective of. Meaning: [prə'spektɪv] adj. 1. concerned with or related to the future 2. anticipated for the near future.
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151. Each of these had a specific meaning for prospective employers.
152. It is possible that the prospective commissioners will begin advising the Secretary of State on staffing matters next spring.
153. It is important to be able to prove to prospective employers that you have the relevant experience for the job.
154. Alan Milburn, Labour's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington, claims the figures are only the tip of the iceberg.
155. All prospective students are interviewed by alumni before a final decision is made.
156. Excuses and equity function retrospectively in particular cases rather than as general prospective rules seeking to guide conduct.
157. In 1936 she was adopted as the prospective parliamentary candidate for the Exchange division of Liverpool.
158. The driver seemed as concerned to show off his excessive acceleration as if we had been prospective buyers and he a salesman.
159. So for all you prospective parents out there help may be at hand in around two years time.
160. Firstly it would demonstrate to prospective freelance writers the type of material required.
161. They made their living hanging around police stations, paying policemen to alert them to prospective customers.
162. Discuss how your analysis would have been altered if you were carrying out the analysis on behalf of a prospective shareholder.
163. So far, no prospective study has been performed to investigate the natural history of gastric metaplasia.
164. Prospective software developers had to learn the secrets of the toolbox so they could follow the guidelines for human interface.
165. The intention here is to provide prospective teachers with a thorough understanding of language as a phenomenon in an educational context.
166. Some researchers say that interracial adoptions are more complicated than many prospective parents believe.
167. A prospective employer can view too many changes with suspicion, often rightly.
168. The Labour Party was weak in this rural constituency and had no prospective candidate and hardly any organization.
169. It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective purchaser may require.
170. Such examples confirm the view of the infinitive proposed here because they evoke its lexical content as something prospective.
171. The Congregation itself is being more selective and encouraging prospective candidates to complete their school education.
172. To a generation of prospective pop stars[], the video offered new possibilities of benediction.
173. The upper limit for prospective members of the future monetary union is 3 percent.
174. So accept that what you see in a prospective partner is what you will get.
175. He also said he did not want prospective jurors to read news reports of how a person might be excused from serving.
176. Potential buyers work through a real-estate broker who arranges for viewing prospective homes before the auction.
177. Prospective students tend to consider the multi-media scheme after eliminating other possibilities.
178. There have been few controlled prospective studies of the effect of transferring to human insulin on the clinical presentation of hypoglycaemia.
179. Travel agents could sell holidays by providing prospective customers with a full multimedia account of their travel options.
180. Medical Examination All prospective employees are required to undergo a medical examination at a medical establishment nominated by the Company.
More similar words: retrospective, prospect, introspection, perspective, respective, irrespective, respectively, irrespective of, introspect, protective, prosper, prosperity, inspection, effective, invective, subjective, detective, objective, proactive, collective, productive, effectively, collectively, reproductive, effectiveness, aspect, suspect, respect, specter, spectrum.