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Promissory in a sentence

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Sentence count:45Posted:2017-03-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: promisepromisedpromisingcompromisepromiscuouspromiscuouslyuncompromisingscissorsMeaning: ['prɑmɪsərɪ /'prɒm-]  adj. relating to or having the character of a promise. 
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1. Yesterday is an invalid cheque.Tomorrow is a promissory note and today is the only cash you have.
2. The promissory notes were purchased for distribution to investors.
3. A promissory note is like a post-dated cheque.
4. Promissory notes and bills of exchange are often guaranteed or endorsed by a third party of financial standing.
5. Instead, it must sell promissory notes, the equivalent of banks' fixed deposits.
6. Richter also said Steve Adams had signed a promissory note for the $ 50,000.
7. Not only this, for the trusted promissory notes of the Bank easily became a form of paper money.
8. Labour's promissory notes can not be met by a scale of personal taxation which will become increasingly regressive.
9. More favoured here was the use of promissory notes and bills of exchange in large volume and down to low denominations.
10. This promissory note is invalid.
11. Private promissory notes are classified into two categories.
12. Promissory notes were generally used as evidence of debt.
13. Formal short - term receivables documented by a promissory note and a provision for interest.
14. A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker's note.
15. Purchase of a post-dated bill of exchange or promissory note by a Bank by means of deducting non-accrued interest in advance shall be called a discount.
16. A promissory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payeenotes payable for the maker.
17. Article 109 The forms of bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques shall be unified.
18. A promissory note is as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker.
19. Yesterday is a cancelled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have, so spent it wisely.
20. A bond is a promissory note, usually issued for a specified amount.
21. Financial commercial papers are short - term negotiable promissory notes issued by companies and sold to investors.
22. Woosung Construction went insolvent yesterday when it failed to honor 16. 9 billion worth of promissory notes the previous day.
23. The flood of credit will be increased this year by all the promissory notes Mr Yeltsin dished out on the campaign trail.
24. The result was that the government created a paper blizzard of promissory notes and tax exemptions.
25. What we are being asked to choose between are promissory notes, not achievements.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Legal proceedings in Scotland, involving money orders, bank checks, promissory notes relevant facts and notes relating to the responsibility, and who may be authorized by the oral evidence.
27. Basic settlement businesses in RMB, including bank drafts, bank acceptance, promissory notes, checks, currency exchanges, authorized collection and acceptance and payment by collection.
28. Paper Market is a basic money market, main including commercial bill of exchange market, promissory note market and other short-term bond market.
29. As we can see, in UK marine insurance law, Warranty is a promissory warranty, and it must be confirmed.
30. When one borrows from a bank, one signs a promissory note.
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