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Phase in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aspectstagestateSimilar words: emphasiselephantemphasizecaseeasebasein caselaserMeaning: [feɪz]  n. 1. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary 2. any distinct time period in a sequence of events 3. a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle 4. (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun). v. 1. arrange in phases or stages 2. adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition. 
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151. The recreation center is the first phase of the one-third-acre project.
152. Castlemore is still working up proposals for the final phase of the scheme, which involves building a leisure centre.
153. Phase Two would begin with the election of the constituent assembly, replacing the existing tri-cameral parliament from which blacks were excluded.
154. The third and final phase would be carried out between April and September 1998, he said.
155. Redwood City officials now await the next phase: testing for real gunshots.
156. The appropriate percentage of oxygen in the gas phase at different developmental stages is shown in Figure 6.
157. The sum needed to cover the gap would gradually decrease each year as proceeds from parental trust funds phase into the system.
158. The learning of song in chaffinches takes place in two phases, a memory phase and a practice one.
159. Saturated fatty acids were more abundant in the vesicular phase and unsaturated ones were more abundant in the micellar phase.
160. You do not need to start changing your health-related habits until this preparation phase of one or two weeks is complete.
161. The dynamic nature of phase equilibria can be understood by considering them in the light of the kinetic theory.
162. These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.
163. Phase I was budgeted at 1. 1 billion ECUs for 1987 through 1991.
164. The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
165. Entering the final phase, I noticed with a shock the year was old and light got bruised by 4 o'clock.
166. In 1919 Marconi moved into the most adventurous phase of his work on radio.
167. It is similar to the phase diagram of water although there are two important differences.
168. Sometimes a mood, or a phase of the menstrual cycle[], will bring about a definite aversion to keeping up appearances.
169. A preferred time for introducing the procedure is in the design phase of the development project.
170. This new phase, following on the day of judgement, was to last for all eternity.
171. A complete excitation cycle consists of four steps, corresponding to excitation of each phase by each current polarity.
172. He may however increase the annual payment to wheat farmers under the five-year phase out plan of the old farming policy.
173. The second main phase of programmed instruction became feasible with the development of low cost computing.
174. Increase of pressure usually favours the formation of the solid-as we shall see in the carbon dioxide phase diagram below.
175. Traditionally,( ships and weapons systems are developed by different contractors with little coordination during the design phase.
176. Having established the phasor relationship between the fundamental components of phase voltage and current, the pull-out torque can be found directly.
177. Groceries in hand, I crossed the threshold and moved into the entering phase of breaking and entering.
178. For all that, it was a dismal phase in the chequered history of postwar Britain.
179. During this bleak phase of its history the cat became firmly linked in the popular mind with witches and black magic.
180. For many patients, irrespective of age, admission to an acute hospital constitutes only one phase of their medical career.
More similar words: emphasiselephantemphasizecaseeasebasein caselaserat easephrasepurchasein case ofreleasebased onin any casein a sensedatabasebasementdecreaseincreaseda series ofin this casein the case ofa case in point
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