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Percent in a sentence

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Sentence count:213+21Posted:2017-02-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: pctper centumpercentageSimilar words: per centpercentagefiercecoercepierceperceivecommerceperceivedMeaning: [pər'sent /pə'-]  n. a proportion multiplied by 100. 
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181) Clinton also issued a federal report showing 65 percent of public schools have access to the Internet.
182) None the less, there is still concern about exactly how the 80 percent is to be measured.
183) Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. Yogi Berra 
184) The survey found that 65 percent of the delegates favored abolishing affirmative action.
185) Also,[] the 20 percent. community charge payment should have been abolished completely this year.
186) Final retail sales data for August, published today, will test the accuracy of the provisional 0.4 percent growth rate.
187) Forty-four percent of those surveyed thought the rate of inflation would accelerate in the year ahead....
188) During a quake of magnitude 6.1 on 20 February 1990, ground acceleration was measured at 10 percent of gravity.
189) "I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
190) Many other companies that provide Internet access can accommodate 10 percent of their subscribers at once, analysts say.
191) The overall abstention rate was reported to be as high as 55 percent of the electorate of 2,200,(
192) No existing trading company may acquire an interest exceeding 10 percent in another security trading company.
193) The 20 percent. contribution will be abolished, the rebate system will be improved and single retired people will be protected.
194) How does Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley hope to achieve a ten percent reduction in smokers without a ban on tobacco ads?
195) You are probably doing well with toddlers if you achieve a success rate of between 50 and 70 percent.
196) Despite corn acreage increasing by ten percent last year, nitrogen fertilizer sales dropped by more than ten percent.
197) Estimates of substance abuse among the population range from 5 percent to 37 percent.
198) For older men it accounts for between 20 - 40 percent of cancer deaths.
199) We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything. Thomas A. Edison 
200) This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
201) It is 40 percent more expensive than coal, and there is an abundance of alternative energy sources.
202) Success is when you achieve your target 20 percent return on assets at the year's end.
203) Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify.
204) Eighty-five percent of the part-time holdings were under 25 acres and only 2% were over 50 acres.
205) It will offer a fair rates policy that gives 100 percent. rates relief to people whom the present Government have abandoned.
206) Mediobanca is being forced to acquire the 10 percent stake after secretly buying that much in October.
207) The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
208) These occupations now account for 37. 6 percent of all workers.
209) Political action committees, which are more active in congressional races, represented only 2 percent of the presidential campaign coffers.
210) If you treat people right they will treat you right ... ninety percent of the time. Franklin D. Roosevelt 
More similar words: per centpercentagefiercecoercepierceperceivecommerceperceivedperceptionintercedeinterceptperceptibleapperceptionintercessorlarcenousCent.scentenforcementcentreascentdecentaccentcenterrecentnascentdescentcentralcenturyadjacentindecent
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