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Ornament in a sentence

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Sentence count:149+6Posted:2017-02-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adornmentdecorationembellishmentgarnishtrimmingSimilar words: ornamentaltournamentamendmentfirst amendmentin a momentlamentadornmentlineamentMeaning: ['ɔrnəmənt /'ɔːn-]  n. something used to beautify. v. 1. make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. 2. be an ornament to. 
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(31) Purism was to be unsullied by ornament, fantasy or individuality and was to be inspired by the machine.
(32) Each ornament on their Christmas tree brings to mind the friend or relative that gave it.
(33) A songster can switch his ornament off when danger threatens.
(34) He supplied a magnificent ewer and rosewater basin to the company's order in 1741, richly chased with rococo ornament.
(35) I have no use for second-hand books and unfashionable clothes and bits of ornament.
(36) Thus, any change in a gene will tend to make the ornament smaller, less symmetrical(, or less colorful.
(37) The more elaborate the ornament, the more likely that a random mutation will make the ornament less elaborate, not more.
(38) Ornament taken: Thieves stole a £70 free standing stone ornament from a garden at a house in Brompton Road, Northallerton.
(39) The music building is a structure with simple but gracious ornament.
(40) They had seen me as scholar and intellectual: ornament to the family.
(41) Your impartiality in weighing the evidence they have presented to you is the ornament of our system at law.
(42) Painted a dark blue, the dormeuse was embellished with e frieze ornament in gold.
(43) It may carry genes for delicate surface ornament, yet be worn smooth by abrasion.
(44) When he was disturbed, the intruder assaulted the home-owner with a heavy china ornament and then threw him downstairs.
(45) Slowly, with infinite care, Rourke reached up and untwined the tight band of her fingers from around the heavy ornament.
(46) I saw a golden eagle the size of a building ornament sitting in a field doing nothing.
(47) The species is beautifully preserved, retaining something of its original lustre,[] and all the fine details of its ornament.
(48) Beneath the wealth of statuary and architectural ornament, such monuments usually had a practical purpose.
(49) The SHTRAYml, like other articles of clothing, is an instance where the restriction was turned into an ornament.
(50) The plinths below the columns, the arch spandrels, friezes and entablatures were enriched with carved ornament and sculpture.
(51) They are square in plan and rise sheer to varying heights without ornament, abutment and with few openings.
(52) Other creatures travel in soil or packing crates, or are introduced for food or ornament.
(53) In reply, he quoted a Sanskrit proverb: 'Forgiveness is the ornament of the brave'.
(54) In general, then, decoration became outlawed as buildings without ornament were seen as works of art in their own right.
(55) Thus the jeweller was free to use more efficient methods, replicating designs with a freer hand in ornament variation.
(56) Nothing could satisfy the naturalists but an experiment, one demonstrating that the sexiness of sons drove the evolution of an ornament.
(57) To ornament or adorn, often garishly.
(58) Tracery or an ornament with four foils or lobes.
(59) A gaudy or showy ornament or trinket.
(60) A bauble is a showy ornament of little value.
More similar words: ornamentaltournamentamendmentfirst amendmentin a momentlamentadornmentlineamentparliamentlamentablysacramentalfundamentalpredicamenttemperamentalnameornateby namebynamenicknamegood namein the name ofPan-Americancommencementamendsentimentalcontentmententicemententailmentresentmentpresentiment
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