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Oppressive in a sentence

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Sentence count:136+6Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: burdensomedictatorialdomineeringharshoverbearingseveretyrannicalunjustSimilar words: oppressionexpressiveimpressiveoppressoppressoroppressedsuppressionaggressiveMeaning: [ə'presɪv]  adj. 1. weighing heavily on the senses or spirit 2. marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior. 
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31, My first impression was of oppressive heat, but then I have spent my life mainly on the cool side of temperate.
32, They are her stalwart supporters in a dosed, oppressive world.
33, An opposite movement occurs with the elements of oppressive heat and smell on that same momentous fourth floor.
34, Boundaries are most rigid, their outline obvious and often oppressive.
35, The wine he had taken for lunch, together with the oppressive afternoon heat, had quite tired him out.
36, Despite the oppressive heat, more than 1,000 people came to the celebration.
37, Her cousins and servants had been fussing over her since dawn, and the heat in the cathedral was oppressive.
38, A poor, uneducated people do not have the will power or knowledge to challenge an oppressive government.
39, Ronald Reagan often argued that by cutting public sector spending, we could liberate voluntary efforts from the oppressive arm of government.
40, As the sun climbed higher in the sky,[] the heat grew gradually more oppressive.
41, Lawyers argued that it would be unfair and oppressive to remove the protection of the double jeopardy rule.
42, Forecasters said the weather was set to remain sultry and oppressive today, with temperatures in the 70s but little sun.
43, New, oppressive laws were brought in to restrict the freedom of the press.
44, And the first thing that hits you is the heat and the incredible, oppressive humidity.
45, He started with the romantic composers(, but shed them one by one as their emotional outpourings became too oppressive.
46, We found it oppressive, inconvenient and village life is horribly nosey.
47, In the rustic humour there were opportunities for poking fun at lords and masters and oppressive authority, both civil and military.
48, And the period after the First World War was a watershed in the battle against oppressive hours of working.
49, That was not enough to compensate for the oppressive opulence of the dark panelling and heavy antique furniture.
50, His principles were narrow and his realization of them oppressive.
51, She saw her uncle only at mealtimes but his presence, brooding and oppressive, filled the house.
52, The oppressive weight above her had lifted slightly, and she was being searched.
53, What she once considered oppressive about Joseph, his cold style and impenetrable attitude, now earned her respect.
54, The heat, which had declined a little at the coming of the rains, grew more oppressive than ever.
55, However, nothing can be crueller and more oppressive than one without love.
56, The conversation had died and the silence was almost oppressive as we opened the byre door.
57, Writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more oppressive than mine.
58, This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices.
59, She eventually developed a reputation for harboring adolescent runaways who were fleeing oppressive treatment by their captains.
60, Karlin relates the oppressive anti-Semitism his forebears endured in a vague, almost elliptical style with dips into the stream of consciousness.
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