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Occupied in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+15Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: engagedtenantedSimilar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪd /'ɒkjʊ-]  adj. 1. held or filled or in use 2. seized and controlled as by military invasion 3. resided in; having tenants 4. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged. 
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211 The problems of housekeeping and material life occupied a certain portion of each day.
212 Although that august body had been in existence for more than fifteen years, it occupied no official headquarters.
213 At this time, the colleges of education occupied a halfway house between the universities and the further education sector.
214 An old man had occupied the lipstick-red lounge chair beside her.
215 Inside, the circumference of the church is occupied by elaborate chapels and the marble facings are everywhere inscribed with thank-offerings.
216 She stopped immediately, her heart thumping in sudden fright as she saw that the chapel was occupied.
217 He was always friendly enough, but seemed fully occupied with the bevy of young beach-boys who seemed to swarm around him.
218 Sheffield lives across the street on a block where five of the six houses are occupied by family members.
219 A three-piece suite and coffee table occupied the front half, a fitted kitchen and dinette the rear.
220 Pride is occupied with sitting on your laurels and telling others about it.
221 The village stands at the terminus of the great trench occupied by the inland Loch Maree,( the river forming a link.
222 Although the new ballet had occupied much of his time and energy, other aspects of life continued.
223 Johnny was by now fully occupied with the fastenings on the controversial halter-necked garment.
224 Those in young offender institutions are occupied satisfactorily, to a certain extent, in open air work.
225 The opposition Labour Party made clear that it would support concessions on the occupied territories in exchange for peace.
226 Councillors are desperate to attract the supermarket chain to a site in Grange Road occupied by the Caldaire bus company.
227 It could have shared the owner's adventures and vicissitudes, occupied his leisure hours, cheered his bleaker moments.
228 The loss of activity Work will have usually occupied a considerable part of an individual's life prior to retirement.
229 Business matters and personal relationships clearly occupied separate compartments in Guy's life.
230 The farmsteads and hamlets thus created may have been used initially as temporary steadings, but eventually a number were permanently occupied.
231 States may regulate local incidents of interstate commerce when Congress has not occupied the field. 23.
232 For the next four years he occupied himself primarily with writings in which he leveled attacks against enemies of the faith.
233 The department is extremely busy and all existing machine and labour capacity is fully occupied.
234 Science now occupied a central place in the ensuing debate over national efficiency.
235 Dairying in particular occupied the second Earl's attention and his own dairy herds were a lifelong passion.
236 The mind can think only one thought at a time. If your mind is occupied by a meaningless thought, you block a meaningful thought from entering it. RVM 
237 This is unfortunate, as chamber 2c is occupied by two unusually cunning Zombie bowmen.
238 Because of the large teak frame, Mama Tuyet occupied center stage on the altar.
239 Furthermore, many clerics in the eighteenth century held modest livings though they too occupied a position of privilege in society.
240 Inside there were some long wooden huts which occupied almost all the space.
More similar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationoccupancy ratecupidporcupineoccuroccurringoccurrencepupilstupidjupitercuppiecupboardpietypiecesoccerrecuperatepiercesapientpiebaldaccuseoccidentoccasion
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