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Nuts in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+22Posted:2017-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nutshellin a nutshelloutsetnutoutsideputschoutselloutskirtMeaning: [nʌts]  adj. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. 
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121. The shepherd's pie was followed by waiters carrying plates of nibbles; nuts, crisps, salted crackers and more champagne.
122. Then good food was set before them, milk and pancakes with sugar, apples, and nuts.
123. Teeth are especially worthy of admiration, being capable, with proper maintenance, of cracking nuts for something like forty years.
124. Stir in the garlic. Spoon sauce over the chicken and then sprinkle with nuts and basil.
125. Epicure has a wide selection, from fruits and nuts to preserve and biscuits.
126. I think my mother chopped the nuts a little finer.
127. Pour garlic sauce over hot chicken pieces and sprinkle with toasted pine nuts and sultanas.
128. Once again this autumn,[] I lost the race with the squirrels to harvest the hazel nuts.
129. Note: To toast pine nuts, place them in a dry nonstick skillet over medium heat.
130. For calculational purposes the Feynman approach is an unwieldy steam-hammer only capable of cracking some particularly brittle nuts.
131. Mix the Grape Nuts, orange zest, oat flakes, cinnamon and cloves in a bowl and spread over the mixture.
132. But a man could go nuts sitting around wondering about what might happen.
133. Like the salad with macadamia nuts and sliced dried apricots.
134. He had driven his parents nuts, wildly, almost suicidally trying to forge an identity.
135. The rugged manly types on the scaffolding flung nuts and bolts at them.
136. In other words it has more to do with an ambitious political undertaking than with institutional nuts and bolts.
137. The food being handed round was quite awful - muesli sticks, unsalted nuts, prunes, figs, sliced bananas.
138. Nuts, bolts, a broken fan belt dropped from the engine.
139. The soothsayer interprets the position of sixteen nuts thrown on to the tray, which is covered with a thin layer of sawdust.
140. Brown Men only eat nuts, berries and apples, and use their bows and arrows to chase hunters away from innocent game.
141. Add orange juice, ground nuts and fructose or honey to oat mixture.
142. To prepare nuts, preheat oven to 400 F.. Bring water to a boil.
143. The cultural-ideological practices are the nuts and bolts and the glue that hold the system together.
144. Florentines: bumpy nuts and cherries on top, and silky chocolate underneath.
145. If desired, add nuts, celery, 131 Remove from heat and skim off excess fat.
146. Every time Greene did something he went nuts, throwing his body around the field like a one-man Mardi Gras.
147. After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts.
148. Some snacks like crisps and some nuts also have obvious added salt.
149. I told you you were nuts to live up there.
150. It will do so irrespective of whether the buyer actually used the opportunity to buy replacement nuts.
More similar words: nutshellin a nutshelloutsetnutoutsideputschoutselloutskirtoutsmartoutsourceoutstripoutsideroutskirtsoutspokenoutside ofcut shortwalnutpeanutminuteoutsourcingoutstandingwhereaboutspine nutcoconutminutiaoutstretcheddoughnutchestnutnutrientbetelnut
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