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Nuts in a sentence

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Sentence count:232+22Posted:2017-04-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nutshellin a nutshelloutsetnutoutsideputschoutselloutskirtMeaning: [nʌts]  adj. informal or slang terms for mentally irregular. 
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91. My classmate and I thought he had gone nuts.
92. Back, now, to the hard nuts.
93. My little boy honestly prefers a bag of nuts or fruit, and isn't partial to anything sweet or sugary.
94. In a small bowl, mix together pine nuts, parsley, and lemon zest.
95. Henry must be crazy nuts to come in my place with a hussy like that.
96. Of the phrases "go crazy" and "go nuts," the latter term is used less frequently.
97. She's nuts about you.
98. First there is a vibrating belt, which bounces the lightweight shells away from the heavier
99. I take a cocktail and some assorted nuts in the bar to re-civilise myself.
100. Anyway, having said that Wilko would be nuts to buy another Midfielder of any sort.
101. Save for the nuts and honey which Tom had given her she had eaten nothing since leaving the cabin of Simon the Trapper.
102. Toast pine nuts in skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly, just until golden brown.
103. And great big chunks of the current Libertarian Party movement contain a horde of former left-wing nuts who are now Libertarian nuts.
104. The largest pair of Stillsons may shift the nuts, but you may have to resort to cutting through the pipes.
105. These cold periods may be inadequate for a variety of fruits and nuts, according to Norton.
106. He sat in the front of the class and talked without stopping, driving the other students nuts.
107. The nice bowls of nuts here are heavily laced with pistachios.
108. They should not be used for turning nuts which are to be used again.
109. Arrange fruit and nuts over the top then, using a pastry brush, glaze carefully with apricot glaze.
110. Tallis rose and walked over to the pile of nuts and berries.
111. Stir nuts and water into remaining cake mix mixture,[] then sprinkle over filling.
112. These sausages sometimes contain nuts or garlic which give extra texture to an otherwise smooth paste.
113. They would sip sherry or port, nibble at the nuts and raisins and allow themselves to wallow in the warm softness.
114. There he built a model farm specialising in truffles - the regional speciality - potatoes and nuts.
115. Any nuts they leave in their feed box eventually go mouldy.
116. You're just setting us all up to behave like nuts.
117. You guys are nuts.
118. His first distinctive works were for percussion instruments or pianos prepared with nuts and bolts inserted between the strings.
119. The nuts they produce are a wonderful food for humans and squirrels alike.
120. The nuts are crushed in order to extract the oil from them.
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