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Metastasis in a sentence

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Sentence count:246Posted:2016-12-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cast asidehomeostasisset asideput asidetaste ofjust asfantasticfantasyMeaning: [mɪ'tæstəsɪs]  n. 1. the spreading of a disease to another part of the body 2. the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life. 
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151. Tumor site and age had different effects on intramammary lymphatic metastasis in different conditions.
152. Lymphatic: tissue could be invaded by lymphatic metastasis including the gastric mucosa and submucous lymphatic tissue, local and distant lymph node.
153. Conclusion A nude mouse liver and spleen metastasis model of human ovarian carcinoma by subcutaneous transplantation has been established successfully.
154. Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, its morbidity is increasing in recent years, and the most common reason leads people to death is the metastasis.
155. Interstitial MR lymphography with submucous injection of omniscan is feasible and safe for diagnostics of lymph node metastasis in patients with oral cancer.
156. Conclusion Detection of VEGF may be valuable in monitoring metastasis of uveal melanoma.
157. Malignant tumors growth, invasion and metastasis de pend on the process of angiogenesis.
158. Objective In order to observe the growth and metastasis of the tumor directly, a new orthotopic retinoblastoma model was established with human RB cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP).
159. Due to the impression of recto colon ca with recurrence liver metastasis, he admitted for chemotherapy.
160. LMVD was associated with clinical stage, lymph node metastasis in laryngeal carcinoma of type supraglottic.
161. Conclusion: There is strong expression of CXCR4 in highly invasive ACC-M cells, indicating that CXCR4 might be related to lung metastasis of salivary ACC.
162. The rates of recurrence and metastasis were evaluated by life table analysis.
163. Results The incisions of 12 patients were all healed with no recrudescence and metastasis.
164. Now we review the investigative status quo(SQ) of ICAM-1 in carcinoma of urogenital system, especially its relationship with invasion, infiltration and metastasis of carcinoma.
165. Therefore, when a cancer patient has sudden hearing loss, an MRI scan should be carried out to confirm CPA metastasis or meningeal carcinomatosis .
166. The malignancy of the paraganglioma is established upon the presence of local aggressive behavior or distant metastasis.
167. The end point for tumor aggressiveness was metastasis - free survival among patients with lymph- node - negative disease.
168. Initial studies demonstrated that endostatin potently inhibited proliferation of vascular endothelial cells and subsequent tumor growth and metastasis.
169. Conclusions Enhance scan can highly rise metastases rate, especially on diagnosis of hydropsy metastasis cancer.
170. The confirmed cases included: 1 case of solitary plasmacytoma, 24 metastasis lesions, 5 tuberculosis, 4 multiple myeloma, 2 malignant lymphoma and 3 bony infection. 3 cases were misdiagnosed.
171. In the patients with uveal melanoma without infiltration or remote metastasis,( there was no significant difference of MIA level between patients with spindle cell and mixed and epithelioid cell.
172. Objective: To improve CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of single tumor invasion and metastasis of endocranium.
173. AIM: Open reading frame(ORF) of death associated protein kinase1(DAPK1) gene was cloned for studying on tumor forming and metastasis.
174. A significant correlation of telomerase activity level with differentiation of malignance and lymph node metastasis(P0.05).
175. Breast has plentiful lymphatic vessel network, thus metastasis of early-stage breast cancer occurs primarily through the lymphatic system.
176. The outcome of cancer metastasis depends on multiple interactions between the malignant cell and the host environment.
177. It is very important to consider the possibility of the ovarian metastasis in patients with colonic cancer, and prophylactic oophorectomy is imperative in order to effect a cure.
178. Therefore, a secondary infiltration or metastasis to the colon and rectum must be excluded before a definite diagnosis of primary colorectal signet ring cell carcinoma can be established.
179. "We found that in colon cancer cells, neurotensin increases not just the rate of growth but also other critical things, including cell migration and metastasis, " said UTMB surgery professor B.
180. Two biological characteristics are found in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma:perineural invasion and lung metastasis.
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