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Manipulating in a sentence

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Sentence count:124+2Posted:2017-02-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: manipulatestipulatestimulatingpopulationelectroplatingLatinadulationmanifestation
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91. Entities and individuals are prohibited from using material asset reorganization information for insider dealing, manipulating the market or committing other illegal acts.
92. An ANSI standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases.
93. The panel is a keyboard interface, which has manipulating button for system time regulation and scheme regulation.
94. Last week, a small Web site operator,, filed an antitrust suit against Google, accusing it of unfairly manipulating its advertising system to harm a potential competitor.
95. But with today's technology. Space Management is now a highly sophisticated method of manipulating the way we shop to ensure maximum profit.
96. By fabricating stories and manipulating Roxie's meek husband Amos (Kevin Chamberlain), as well as the press, Flynn turns the murderous adulterer in to a local, yet short-lived celebrity criminal.
97. An unexpected error occured while manipulating the navigational structure of this Web.
98. If you are younger, this anatomical structure probably feels soft and almost spongy, and you may be able to change the pitch and timber of your voice by gently manipulating your thyroid cartilage.
99. As he pondered this, manipulating the two bones as a puzzler maneuvers two troublesome puzzle pieces, they suddenly snapped together to form a perfect double-pulley astragalus.
100. We have discovered that it is possible to tune the stress of a single-layer silicon nitride film by manipulating certain film deposition parameters.
101. The item must otherwise fulfill all the requirements for manipulating an object via telekinesis (such as weight).
102. An analytical expression for determining singularity configuration which is a polynomial equation is set, and the numeric symbolic manipulating technique is introduced in the paper.
103. With the method presented in this paper, the interception of mouse wheel message is realized in education robot platform software, enhances the convenience of manipulating the software.
104. Lead scientist Dr Andrea Di Falco said: 'Metamaterials give us the ultimate handle on manipulating the behaviour of light.'
105. The functional transformation approach is ideally suited for querying and manipulating structured data; therefore it fits well with LINQ technologies.
106. Let me be clear that our experiment had nothing to do with manipulating people's minds to empty their wallets, because it certainly did not turn subjects into will-less automatons.
107. By the use of mathematic mechanized method and computer symbolic manipulating technique this paper carried out a symbolic solution on the synthetic problems of rigid body guided four bar linkages.
108. In this article I will show how to write basic code for manipulating objects in a UDDI registry.
109. In the designing calculation of huge heavy loading manipulating equipments the frictional force should not be neglected.
110. and those for manipulating and constructing classes (in the org.apache.bcel.generic package).
111. Binding interrupt processing to a CPU or group of CPUs (affinitizing) is done by manipulating the smp_affinity bitmask for a given interrupt number.
112. For example(, a thread might be interrupted while manipulating some cross-thread data and might not have an opportunity to reset everything to a valid state.
113. The utility model discloses a multifunctional elevator door machine mechanism used for manipulating elevator doors. The elevator door machine mechanism comprises a motor and a driving belt.
114. The basic principles and the manipulating key of various techniques for transfering foreign genes into plant and the achievements of transgenic techniques in plant had been introduced.
115. Conclusion Auramine O fluorescence method is worth manipulating and popularizing in specific stain practice.
116. Consequently, micro manipulating robot, integrated by both micro positioning technology and robot technology, will play vital role in the future.
117. In addition to be able to add, remove, or modify the element, you could also move it to another location in the hierarchy by manipulating the pointers to the element or node.
118. According to the complaint, these schemes included manipulating the amount of income and federal tax withholdings claimed on their customers' tax returns, resulting in bogus claims for tax refunds.
119. The wealthy landowner was accused of manipulating the local council.
120. To create nanoscale transistor junctions, engineers can crisscross different types of semiconducting strands, thereby stacking the materials in layers crucial for manipulating electron flow.
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