Synonym: broadly, broadly speaking, generally, slackly. Similar words: loose, loosen, at a loose end, closely, morosely, proselytize, noose, goose. Meaning: adv. 1. in a relaxed manner; not rigid 2. in a loose manner 3. without regard to specific details or exceptions 4. knitted in a loose manner.
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181. I say loosely defined because the trendline really did not describe the action well in the final months of the year.
182. The best choice is to design a loosely coupled system based on services.
183. Though some implementations are loosely coupled they still cannot be externalized and code level modifications are required in order to change the rule.
184. "Silent enim leges inter arma," he wrote, which loosely observes that referees can swallow their whistles in a tough match.
185. Her hands lay open in her lap and, loosely between them, a rosary.
186. The deep oxidation and groundwater leaching solubilizes much of the loosely bound uranium.
187. Further, supplying annotation in a crosscutting mechanism makes it possible to design a more loosely coupled system while still avoiding annotation clutter.
187. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
188. His great arms dangle loosely at his sides, the palms of his hands open.
189. The main idea is distributed function loosely association and standard interface.
190. Results The nerve roots within the lumbar dural sac were arranged loosely with the sacral and coccygeal nerve roots to form the cauda equina.
191. Install the retaining angle (12) and doubler (10) loosely in position with one or two retaining angle bolts (11).
192. A cord or strand of loosely woven, twisted, or braided fibers, as on a candle or an oil lamp, that draws up fuel to the flame by capillary action.
193. If your architecture has all five of those characteristics - it's modular, distributable, describable, sharable and loosely coupled - you get the SOA stamp of approval.
194. Loosely braid the ropes and put on a greased baking tray.
195. At same time, the leaf area coefficient, dry matter accumulation and economic coefficient of compact type corn variety is bigger than loosely type corn variety.
196. Loosely typed services use generic parameter definitions that do not include an explanation of the message content in form of a schema.
197. On PDA medium and half-combined PDA medium, hyphae with thick colonies, dense, white, villiform to flocky, grow very well, but aerial hyphae grow faintly and loosely on MEA medium.
198. Such a system is flexible, reusable and coupled loosely between the tiers. Then, a Logistics information system is implemented applying the framework.
199. A cow's udder hangs loosely between its legs and produces milk.
200. There was also a large but loosely affiliated group of New Deal opponents, who are commonly called the Old Right.
201. What if a child were to propose a society (loosely) based on the principle of nonaggression.
202. While service-oriented solutions promote loosely coupled systems, components that are of the same type often share the same operational unit.
203. The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.
204. Inflorescence composed of several slender, loosely spiculate racemes spaced along a central axis, spikelets paired but the sessile spikelet often reduced.
205. A cylindrical medulla is present in the centre of each bundle and packed loosely with roundish medulla cells.
206. However, this term is used loosely as a measure of DNA and RNA length (although RNA is single-stranded).
207. Summer sticks to her skirt sumptuously, in the shiny gray fabric hanging loosely from her curves.
208. They can be worn with a suit and tie or untucked and loosely buttoned with shorts.
209. During Parthian rule, Persia was only one province in a large, loosely controlled empire.
210. The activities become loosely coupled, (i.e. do not run within the same technology or call stack, under the same security authority, with a dedicated connection between them).