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Lasting in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+9Posted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: temporarySimilar words: everlastingfastingboastingforecastingplasticstingstingyprocrastinateMeaning: ['læstɪŋ /'lɑː-]  adj. 1. continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place 2. existing for a long time 3. retained; not shed 4. lasting a long time without change. 
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(181) Such commentators have argued that the breakdown of morality in the 1960s has had lasting effects on the social landscape.
(182) Certainly, they have had little lasting impact on teaching practices.
(183) The committee's decision could have a lasting effect on the community.
(184) A test session lasting 30 minutes or more is not unusual.
(185) As we argue many times in this book, it is the differences that concern government officials in negotiating lasting deals.
(186) And as the action becomes bloodier, chances of a genuine and lasting peace become even more remote.
(187) There was the heaviest raid so far, lasting four hours.
(188) He warned that the affair could have a lasting effect on bilateral relations.
(189) The town of Moulineuf was captured after a siege lasting ten days.
(190) At least I can say that I do these old guys no real or lasting harm.
(191) Many like them have raised money for local charities or simply made a genuine and lasting contribution to their communities.
(192) The University also offers Master's degrees by research lasting 12 months.
(193) The sixth-form course in the City Technology Colleges is envisaged as generally lasting for two years.
(194) It is too easy to prejudge the book as lacking anything of lasting value for sociologists.
(195) But no amount of money can buy what Nakamatsu really wants -- lasting fame.
(196) A shrewd and learned editor, a patient mentor, and a courteous friend,( his Boswell is a lasting memorial.
(197) His family had been very poor when he was young, and it had left a lasting impression on him.
(198) Minton introduced him to Denis Wirth-Miller and Richard Chopping with whom he formed a lasting friendship.
(199) No one doubts that the move will have significant lasting effects on the world of Unix and its relations.
(200) She chose honeysuckle for its fragrance, low maintenance and lasting summer blooms.
(201) You know the lasting image: Hendrix on his knees, summoning fire from a flaming Stratocaster
(202) In the spring of 1785 Leopold Mozart paid his son a visit lasting 10 weeks.
(203) Except during the general offensive, lasting from late 1967 until May of 1969, the enemy relied on different tactics.
(204) And equally they can recall the lasting resentment caused by a teacher's blatant unfairness, or by a public humiliation.
(205) The indigenous media need more than ever to promote lasting peace with justice, through ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.
(206) Such stories would have made a lasting impression on my father and given him an early interest in Abyssinia.
(207) The implementation of the rationalisation programme left a lasting impression on Finniston which was to influence his future operating style.
(208) He also insists that it won't be a fly-by-night operation, that his commitment to the community is lasting and genuine.
(209) I doubt whether lasting improvement is likely from political or bureaucratic initiative.
(210) Helping people to help themselves is the key to lasting success.
More similar words: everlastingfastingboastingforecastingplasticstingstingyprocrastinatepostingtestingprocrastinationexistinginvestingdevastatingexhaustingstinginessdisgustingstimulatingdistinguishinterestingdistinguishedundistinguishedplaster castlastblastballastat lastplasterlast weeklast rites
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