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Landed in a sentence

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Sentence count:173+33 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: endedfundedmindedwoundedboundedfoundedoffendedextendedMeaning: ['lændɪd]  adj. owning or consisting of land or real estate. 
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31. I was very happy when I first landed in America.
32. The missile landed ten miles short .
33. He fell headlong and landed on his face.
34. To our surprise,he landed up by gaining a scholarship.
35. The swan landed gracefully on the water.
36. She missed the deck and landed in the water.
37. We landed at Port Said in the early evening.
38. She landed a nasty blow on his nose.
39. She fell and landed on her behind.
40. The marines landed on the small island.
41. He landed a blow on Hill's nose.
42. He's really landed himself in it this time.
43. The ship landed the goods at Dover.
44. The plane landed after the landing gear had deployed.
45. She's just landed herself a company directorship.
46. The manager landed me with this tedious task.
47. The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.
48. Fewer herring than usual have been landed this year.
49. He landed a job with a law firm.
50. She's landed a plum job at the BBC.
51. She developed pneumonia which landed her in hospital.
52. The unexpected storm landed me in great difficulties.
53. The aeroplane landed us at the airport in Barcelona.
54. The ball landed in the lake.
55. Between us we landed the fish.
56. An apple landed plonk on the ground.
57. The single-engine plane landed in western Arizona.
58. The taxi landed us at the theatre on time.
59. This is a fine mess you've landed us in!
60. The bird landed gracefully on the water.
More similar words: endedfundedmindedwoundedboundedfoundedoffendedextendeddescendedsuspendedunfoundedastoundedundecidedslanderopen-mindedconfoundedreprimandedungroundedsurroundeddumbfoundedapprehendedphilanderextended familyclandestinetrial and errorsuspended animationindependentindependencebe independent ofdeclaration of independence
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