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Jersey in a sentence

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Sentence count:234+5Posted:2016-09-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Garden StateJerseyNJNew JerseyT-shirtisland of Jerseytee shirtSimilar words: overseereversediverseadverseconversecoursenursecoarseMeaning: ['dʒɜrzɪ /'dʒɜː-]  n. 1. a Mid-Atlantic state on the Atlantic; one of the original 13 colonies 2. the largest of the Channel Islands 3. a close-fitting pullover shirt 4. a slightly elastic machine-knit fabric 5. a breed of diary cattle developed on the island of Jersey. 
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181. New Jersey Governor John Corzine appointed Singh to the post of ratepayer advocate, representing New Jersey consumers of services such as energy and water.
182. Before going into winter camp, Washington led his men across the Delaware River to attack a Hessian outpost at Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26, 1776.
183. A community of northeast New Jersey north of Elizabeth. It has varied light industries. Population, 21, 044.
184. Fluid dynamicist Ronald Stouffer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Princeton, New Jersey, agrees.
185. Because of its integral and strategic position within the growing Megalopolis of the Eastern Seaboard, New Jersey has developed a huge manufacturing and refining base.
186. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the US Secret Service and the Federal Emergency Management Administration declined to comment on the messages.
187. "The attractive feature of this model is it seems to be a single calculation that can get the gas all the way in," says Scott Tremaine of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
188. Licht, Walter . Working for the Railroad. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983.
189. Depart New York through New Jersey Pennsylvania and to the city of brotherly love Philadelphia.
190. The PB150's steel structure was fabricated in Scotland, and the power take-off and control system was built and tested at OPT's facilities in Warwick and Pennington in New Jersey, US.
191. On October 24 th 1901, Eastman Kodak was established in New Jersey.
192. After completing their first ever U.S. tour, bassist Miik entered graduate school in New Jersey, though the rest of the band had settled into a loft in Greenpoint, Brooklyn for over a year.
193. He notched up his 450th appearance in the famous Red jersey as a substitute when Liverpool ended Chelsea's 86-match unbeaten home record with a 1-0 victory at Stamford Bridge in October.
193. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
194. After six years of the plot. Between the old newspaper found by accident, it is light well killed early people of the island of jersey news.
195. You must confront the sulphurous dystopia of industrial New Jersey.
196. His daughter, Kim, now 33, was in law school at Seton Hall University in Newark, New Jersey, at the time.
197. Our Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, New Jersey Fried Hot Dogs, and New England Clam Chowder are rare finds in China.
198. "I don't know who Snooki is!" Barack said when Joy Behar asked if the pint-sized Jersey Shore starlet should run for the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
199. But at least that series had some offensive fireworks, with Jason Kidd piloting a fast-breaking New Jersey team that could actually score in the 90s.
200. Between 2009 and 2010 the five biggest losers in terms of "residents lost to other states" were all prominent redoubts of progressivism: California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and New Jersey.
201. One person who knows is Jack Harris, chairman of the anthropology department at Rutgers University, in New Jersey, in the United States.
202. How did the Hudson River in New York and New Jersey get its name?
203. " said New Jersey Sen. RobertMenendez, who ran the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee last cycle whenit attempted to brand Paul as an "extreme" candidate.
204. Meanwhile he waited with infinite patience, uncomplaining, thinking about the sand, and the thin hot layer of water over it, in that shy New Jersey creek.
205. New Jersey: You Want A Motto? I Got Yer Motto Right Here!
206. He ran the gambling in Jersey and was very strong with the Democratic political machine.
207. New Jersey becomes the first U.S. state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
208. Washington then moved around an army commanded by General Charles Cornwallis and attacked British troops near Princeton, New Jersey, on January 3, 1777.
209. Next week, in Atlantic City , New Jersey, fifty - one beautiful women will step out onto a stage.
210. From the Palestinian comedienne with cerebral palsy to the Arab American with a New Jersey accent, the Muslim comics in the film offer positive images of these ethnic cultures with self-effacing wit.
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