1 There is small choice
in rotten apples.

2 The word "Impossible" is not
in my dictionary.

3 To pay a person
in his own way.

4 At open doors dogs come

5 Beard the lion
in his den.

6 Lie
in (oron) the bed one has made.

7 Rome wasn't built
in a day.

8 Admonish your friends
in private, praise them in public.

9 A good name keeps its luster
in the dark.

10 Fair and softly go far
in a day.

In the midst of life we are in death.

12 Do
in Rome as the Romans do.

In an enemy spots are soon seen.

14 They that sow
in tears shall reap in joy.

15 Pleasure has a sting
in its tail.

16 There are spots (even)
in [on] the sun.

17 Hide one's talents
in a napkin.

18 Do not wash dirty linen
in public.

19 There is a crook
in the lot of everyone.

20 A bad conscience is a snake
in one's heart.

21 Beauty is
in the beholder’s eye.

22 There is a small choice
in rotten apples.

23 Eternity is
in love with the productions of time.

24 Hang up one's hat
in another's house.

25 Do
in Rome as Rome does.

26 Trouble is only opportunity
in work clothes.

27 Marry
in haste[sentencedict.com],[www.Sentencedict.com] repent at leisure.

28 Would you know your daughter, see her
in company.

29 Peace with sword
in hand, 'tis safest making.

30 The secret of wealth lieth
in the letters SAVE.

1 Many a true word is spoken in jest.
2 The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.
3 Are you prepared to repeat these allegations in court?
4 Hauser was in an expansive mood .
5 Jim raised his hands in a despairing gesture.
6 Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
7 We must be consistent in applying the rules.
8 She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.
9 I resent his interference in my work.
10 It was printed in lower case.
11 In the rainy season the roads become a quagmire.
12 He is now living in exile in Egypt.
13 I'm up to my ears in work.
14 The soldiers were well-grounded in survival skills.
15 He had good luck in his.
16 She was made a baroness in 1992.
17 Anton's lifeless body was found floating in the lake.
18 The country's leadership is in crisis.
19 People tend to eat more in winter.
20 There are 1.2 billion people in China now.
21 He threw his shirt to someone in the crowd.
22 She kept all the letters in a box.
23 Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
24 He's very conservative in his attitude to women.
25 She behaved in a very responsible way .
26 She soaked the dirty clothes in water.
27 My uncle is travelling in South America.
28 The wedding ceremony will be held in May.
29 There were three figures in the foreground.
30 She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice.