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In itself in a sentence

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Sentence count:226+2Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: itselfof itselfby itselfself-himselfby himselfby yourselfself-esteem
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(31) This is a lovely climb in itself, up what quite soon turns from a valley into a defile.
(32) Right in itself has no author-ity; it leans on might as the creeper on the tree.
(33) This in itself raises issues of how the information infrastructure can best serve two models at once.
(34) The search is usually hard enough in itself but many students will also have to compromise their standards.
(35) This in itself created a need for new schools and teachers, and therefore provided a platform for educational innovation.
(36) This is only partly because digging and operating deep mines is, in itself, extremely difficult.
(37) That provision in itself does not guarantee continuance in post until age 65.
(38) Clearly, this aspect of our account of habituation is not enough in itself to explain the latent inhibition effect.
(39) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself.
(40) The mere fact that the member appeals should not in itself amount to a waiver.
(41) For the ocean may provide dramatic scenery but it does not, in itself, belong centre-stage.
(42) But the cognoscenti know that the grip can be everything: in itself it can decide the entire bout.
(43) This in itself is a measure of the scale of the problem.
(44) But the problem with this approach is that it ends up becoming an end in itself.
(45) Half-male(, half-female human torsos wallow like flesh drowning in itself.
(46) It is not age in itself which is important; it is people's ability to do the job.
(47) Neither does this deny the possibility that local community can indeed be an ideological structure in itself.
(48) That was not in itself a new idea, but its content and significance were greatly enlarged by him.
(49) Playing the game is not in itself drama, though a great deal of dramatic tension arises when it is well played.
(50) So once again the emphasis is not on poetry in itself, but on the difference between poetry and ordinary language.
(51) If poor visibility in itself is rejected as a means of achieving speed reduction through anxiety, other measures are necessary.
(52) Two months later, the designation of a single leader was a means to that end, not an end in itself.
(53) Protection is vital: but as a means to an end, not as an end in itself.
(54) The whole nature of the aesthetic is the appreciation of each thing in itself.
(55) The main concern of Rawls's later work is to argue that this in itself should not undermine the liberal project.
(56) To say this is not in the least to underestimate the crucial and indispensable importance of such therapy in itself.
(57) Getting through this evening would be hard enough in itself without driving herself crazy over deciding what to wear.
(57) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(58) A classification system in itself does not 23 have power and ought not to have power.
(59) And with such a high class field picking an overall winner is a task in itself.
(60) The main focus of this chapter is elected local government, but this in itself is organizationally far from simple.
More similar words: itselfof itselfby itselfself-himselfby himselfby yourselfself-esteeminitialinitiateinitiallydefinitiondefinitelyinitiativefinite elementshelfwelfareunitunityunitesellmonitorsellersell offsell outselectvesselcommunitycloselyfurniture
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