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Impulse in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+14Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfancyflashinspirationnotionpressurepushthrusturgeSimilar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inMeaning: ['ɪmpʌls]  n. 1. an instinctive motive 2. a sudden desire 3. the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber 4. (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) 5. the act of applying force suddenly 6. an impelling force or strength. 
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121. The status in quo of Impulse Ground Penetrating Radar and the general principle of Avalanche Transistor are discussed then a new method for Avalanche simulation is given in this thesis.
122. Aim To investigate whether Antioxidant N-L-acetylcysteine (NAC) can protect the cochlea from impulse noise trauma.
123. If on the vehicle has equipped the side security aerocyst , may to attack the cushioning effect, the alleviation hit to the crew member forehead and the shoulder impulse, will thus injure falls lowly.
124. The paper introduces assembling and machining features and quality control in housing and covers of impulse turbine for Jililong power station.
125. In this paper, a dynamic calibration method using a finite duration impulse excitation source is presented, which can be used to calibrate the frequency response of high-pressure transducers(HPT).
126. Measurement and analysis of the in vivo posteroanterior impulse response of the human thoracolumbar spine: a feasibility study.
127. After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath.
128. The canceler consists of a plant emulator and an inverse plant, which are in the forms of linear adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filters.
129. A current impulse generator is introduced with the data and waveshape controlled by computer on slice and process controller.
130. The present invention discloses a fire-fighting anti-riot hand ladle, which includes hand ladle body in which fire-fighting gun and high-voltage impulse electric-shock apparatus is mounted.
131. The algorithm utilizes the common nullspace of a set of fourth-order cumulant matrices of the output signals to identify an unknown MIMO channel impulse response up to a constant monomial matrix.
132. The experimental results showed that the columnar crystal spacing presented a tendency of straight climb with the increase of impulse electric field voltage.
133. Conclusions:The blast and impulse of explosion injure severely labyrinthus and the change is nonreversible.
134. In grinding the process, some measures, which can strengthen the impulse and friction force, would be advantageous to the mechanochemical effect strengthening.
135. Debris bam was added to the model to simulate the impulse force of debris flow to the dam and the variety of debris flow field after adding the dam based on the cleuch 3D land form model.
136. For verifying the accuracy of the model parameters an impulse excitation test was performed.
137. Clearly, the speed of impulse transmission is a vital aspect of brain function.
137. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
138. That would be an iTunes "in-app" purchase. Apple gets its 30 percent cut, but the user is much more likely to make an impulse buy.
139. Results show that there exists a high level impulse output area, called the "fuzzy extreme value", around the extreme impulse output value when human muscle is trained with different load.
140. When a nerve impulse raced from the mystery organ to the brain, a green phosphorescent wave trace swept across our oscilloscope screen and a loud crack resounded from a speaker.
141. It corrects abnormal curvature of our spine which in turn clears blockages in the nerve impulse transmission, regulates the nervous system and enhances effective functionality of internal organs.
142. She stifled her impulse to tell him exactly what she thought of him.
143. And so it seems to me that science not only purifies the religious impulse of the dross of its anthropomorphism but also contributes to a religious spiritualization of our understanding of life.
144. Methods Routine lung function and impulse oscillometry(IOS) were performed on 24 OSAHS patients(OSAHS group) and 12 normal subjects(control group).
145. Then, modal experiment of cabinet is carried out with impulse excitation method and corresponding modal parameters are obtained.
146. The low strain longitudinal dynamic model of anchor bars-surrounding rock system under impulse force is established. The model is essential to nondestructive detection of anchorage system quality.
147. Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder, and its prevalence rate is about 0.6%.
148. The physical activities such as neuromuscular excitement, nerve impulse conduction, normal heart beating, ect. are related closely to Ionized calcium.
149. He finally gave way to an impulse and pulled her toward him.
150. This is seen not eaten cold, do not feel that the time would be good to eat, there is no impulse buy food.
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