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Impulse in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+14Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfancyflashinspirationnotionpressurepushthrusturgeSimilar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inMeaning: ['ɪmpʌls]  n. 1. an instinctive motive 2. a sudden desire 3. the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber 4. (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) 5. the act of applying force suddenly 6. an impelling force or strength. 
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91. On an impulse, she decided to light the candles from her own.
92. It appears not to be input-specific but may provide a generalized boost to impulse traffic.
93. If the specific impulse could be increased towards 1000 seconds this would have a dramatic effect on the mass ratio required.
94. But the crucial challenge is to translate that spontaneous impulse of generosity into a long-term political commitment to prevent more global warming.
95. Now you try this exercise, and resist the impulse to give up.
96. On impulse, he reached out and passed his hand through the vapour.
97. The impulse of government all over the world is to control information.
98. I could simply elect to walk out the door, act on reckless impulse without fear of consequences.
99. The impulse to stop arises after you have gone only a few hundred yards.
100. He had made the offer to buy Sara out on impulse.
101. Alongside the urge to blow down the house of cards comes a tender impulse towards reconstruction.
102. In due course Agnes forgot her first impulse, yet was moving inexorably on an almost preordained path.
103. A second impulse which prompted economic change came from outside the empire.
104. People often buy on impulse while they are queueing to pay. 6 Related goods are usually displayed near to each other.
105. This traveling wave of altered electrical potential is called an action potential, more commonly known as a nerve impulse.
106. If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on impulse and then wonder where to put them.
107. But the recognizable impulse from my headband ceptor drew my attention.
108. Your first impulse was to step into the fray, select a likely teacher,( and present yourself for instruction.
109. However he stresses that, unlike the impulse ice cream market, there is no exclusive agreement for these freezers.
110. It was October 17, 1896 and I was nearly sixteen. On an impulse, I opened the book again.
111. The hot water vapor is vented through a rocket thrust chamber and imparts an impulse to the rocket.
112. This is a natural impulse, and it often ensures a basic fairness in public systems.
113. It's always tempting when visiting an aquatic outlet to buy on impulse.
114. Resist the temptation to buy on impulse, just because an outfit catches the eye.
115. The impulse to make amends is not a bad one.
116. The connections were loose, and the optic burner didn't respond to her impulse command.
117. In love perhaps was another way to describe being lost, without the impulse to remember where you came from.
118. The impulse to shout can be inhibited by clamping the upper chest so that breathing becomes shallow and energy is dampened.
119. I strangled an impulse to cough.
120. This article formulate that internalization advantage and competitive advantage are inner impulse of the positive correlation between financial FDI and nonfinancial FDI.
More similar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inpull onpull uppull offpull outsomething elsepull downsocial servicesimplyimpairimportimposeshrimpsimplyimpactglimpseimpresspopulationpopularitymanipulateimprovedpulchritudepull through
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