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Impulse in a sentence

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Sentence count:178+14Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: compulsionfancyflashinspirationnotionpressurepushthrusturgeSimilar words: pulsecampuscomputerelseor elseelsewherepullpull inMeaning: ['ɪmpʌls]  n. 1. an instinctive motive 2. a sudden desire 3. the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber 4. (electronics) a sharp transient wave in the normal electrical state (or a series of such transients) 5. the act of applying force suddenly 6. an impelling force or strength. 
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151. The wakefield effects induced by the front particle, using impulse approximation, are equivalent to additional momentum increases of the tail particle at the midplane of achromatic system.
152. BOTOX can block the nerves and muscles between the nerve impulse to excessive contraction of small muscle relaxation, thus achieving the effect of wrinkles.
153. We need use the up-to-date wisdom agglomerate much more strength , and impulse the conscientious government, the people's society and the people's pullulation.
153. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
154. The male exhibitionist impulse seems to be similar to the ancient primate urge to groom evinced in girls' enjoyment of combing one another's hair.
155. One of my campers, a brilliant programmer named John Bruns, programmed the Impulse system for several popular software packages, coloring each bar in accordance with the Impulse system.
156. Bolstered by an inflated sense of impulse control, we overexpose ourselves to temptation and fall prey to impulsiveness.
157. The paper analyzed the algorithm of the second discharge circuit based on any double-exponential fitting, introduced the method of the parameters evaluation of impulse voltage generator using MATLAB .
158. It forms the myelin sheath of nerve fibres which facilitates the transmission of nerve impulse and insulates against cross-talks.
159. The microstructure of periodical reversal ferroelectric domain was produced by means of the electric impulse polarization.
160. The damage effects of FAE on targets are mainly dependent upon the parameters such as overpressure and impulse in explosion fields.
161. Synchronizing impulse is the key to synchronize sound playing with light displaying of graph plate.
162. This paper presents an original non-frictional and sequential operation's stepless speed regulator on the basis of overview of the main weakness of impulse stepless speed regulators.
163. Methods:To measure the peak sound pressure level of impulse noise during missile firing.
164. The relationships between impulse power and error bit of the traditional dispersion-compensated systems: pre: post-and hybrid-compensation in the presence of SPM, IXPM and IFWM were investigated.
165. This publication is 16 open, entire colored art paper fine printing, has the greatly strengthened visual impulse.
166. Objective To determine the manifestation of impulse oscillometry (IOS) in variation of respiration impedance on patients with extratracheal tumour.
167. This paper discusses the determination of the initial condition of the unit impulse response of the discrete-time system.
168. Impulse radar, also known as non-career radar and video pulse radar, is a branch or a special case of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) radar.
169. The broken reasons of bailer of impeller was found out by analyzing some relevant cases occurred in a jet-type impulse turbine in China, some measures to handling it was presented.
170. When the moulding technological test is carried out on the air impulse test moulding machine, the moulding sand employed is the sand used by Nanchang Diesel Factory for high-pressure moulding.
171. The effect of charges remaining on a dielectric plate upon the 50% impulse surface flashover voltage U_(50) in the non-uniform field(rod-plane gap)is investigated.
172. A comprehensive dynamic analysis was performed for the impulse variable speed device.
173. Catherine had risen, with an impulse to dash out, when she saw him.
174. One who transgresses the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures whimsically acting under the impulse of desire, never attains perfection, neither happiness nor the supreme goal.
175. Impulse function test shows that FDI, surplus of processing trade and remain sum of deposit minus loan impact exchange reserve positively and persistently.
176. When the brain sends an electrical nerve impulse to these antennas, the electrode activates the prosthetic arm or hand to move accordingly.
177. Huck's final decision--- to follow his own good-hearted moral impulse rather than conventional village morality.
178. However, in respect of a vibration acceleration signal, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is often so small that the periodic impulse component is submersed in its intense background noises.
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