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Go to pieces in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fall apartSimilar words: piecea piece ofpiece togethertopicrecessionpiestopatopMeaning: v. lose one's emotional or mental composure. 
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1. She just goes to pieces in exams.
2. He just went to pieces after his wife died.
3. After his wife died he just went to pieces.
4. After the matter, he seemed to go to pieces.
5. She's a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died.
6. After the car accident, she seemed to go to pieces.
7. He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.
8. Her performance goes to pieces when her father is watching.
9. I almost went to pieces in that room.
10. That's perhaps why things began to go to pieces when the boy was born.
11. With their old taboos discredited, they immediately go to pieces, disintegrate(, and become re-sorts of vice and disease.
12. The ship broke in half, tumbled over the precipice, and went to pieces.
13. Keeping busy was the only thing that kept her from going to pieces during the divorce.
14. It seems he goes to pieces in a crisis, then.
15. He was going to pieces inside, just as Lorton intended, and he didn't like it.
16. I was so nervous in my driving test I just went to pieces.
17. When they lost the family business, Liz went to pieces.
18. After the car accident, he to go to pieces.sentence dictionary
19. Sometimes I'm afraid I'll go to pieces.
20. But promise me you won't let your nerves go to pieces.
21. After the car accident, she seem to go to pieces.
22. And they go to pieces completely in their last year.
23. You'll soon go to pieces if you keep on working like that.
24. Then, you've got to stay steady on the shot - don't take a flyer at it because your cue action will just go to pieces.
25. Following their defeat in the election, the Labor Party seemed to go to pieces.
26. I suppose I've changed some, but that's no reason for your letting yourself go to pieces.
More similar words: piecea piece ofpiece togethertopicrecessionpiestopatoptropicalnon-stopstop byon top ofdevelopingrecipientmotorphotoa lot ofgo togetheraccessdecentrecentprocessgo to sleepprotocolreceiveancestorso to speakreceiverrecentlyprocessor
Total 26, 30 Per page  1/1 
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