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Fortunately in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+13Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: unfortunatelySimilar words: opportunitylatelyprivatelyaccuratelyultimatelydesperatelydeliberatelyapproximatelyMeaning: ['fɔrtʃnətlɪ /'fɔːt-]  adv. by good fortune. 
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211. Fortunately, it wasn't long before I was approached by other people to set up a new gallery.
212. Fortunately he was none the worse for the accident.
213. We were worried about the match against Atalanta, fortunately we managed to win.
214. Fortunately, an error resulting in a miscarriage of justice has yet to be demonstrated in forensic DNA casework, although it is perhaps inevitable that it will occur someday.
215. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to wool that are cruelty-free, nonallergenic, quick-drying, easy to clean, environmentally-sound, and provide warmth without bulk.
216. Fortunately I know my material well enough that I was able to do a good job delivering the content when the correct slide was on the screen.
216. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
217. Fortunately, there are some educationalist and scholar and teachers have started research to this phenomenon.
218. Fortunately, stupid people, and the way the seizure of several treasures, in Xiashi help before the final kill Beelzebub Jiuzou Princess.
219. Fortunately there's an alternative form of code generation that applies to many common services.
220. He replied, 'You mean fortunately.' He explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.
221. Fortunately, friends always bringing me the rain that washes the machine, which perfectly operate loneliness and generate fulfilling,( washing away the gloominess of continuous working.
222. But it was fortunately completely ignored in economic thought[4] until it was dredged up by Jevons and the mathematically inclined wing of the late-19th-century marginal-utility theorists.
223. Fortunately, only 5%-10% of the population is believedto be susceptible to infection.
224. Fortunately, Denmark ended up beating Sweden in Copenhagen and the play-off match was against the relatively weak Bosnia-Herzegovina team.
225. Fortunately, there are migrant workers from then, it did not bitten residual talent, but the kind of soul-stirring scene, with all shudder to imagine.
226. Fortunately, according to the characteristic of fuliginous type of air pollution in our country our government has taken corresponding measures, one of which is to advocate gas boilers.
227. Fortunately villatic area had formed constant climate, the feature is very bright also.
228. Many old-time diseases are still present today, but fortunately many of them aren't as prevalent or dangerous as their ancestral versions.
229. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to emulate the work done by the JVM in running the main class of your application.
230. Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity.
231. At the end of the 1930s, she entered the Moscow Music and Dance Institute and fortunately performed in the same play with G. Ulanova, the world-famous ballerina.
232. Fortunately, beer contains surface-active proteins left over from the malted barley and wheat used in the brewing process.
233. Fortunately once I graduated , I was hired by ChongQing CAFF and have served as a technician at the company to the present.
234. What you are saying to me is absolutely compelling and for our listeners, fortunately they don't have the distraction of a scantly clad girl in the background dancing.
235. Fortunately, therapeutic paradigms are shifting, and clinicians have many new agents in their armamentarium for combating fungal infection.
236. Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
237. The open country has such sanitation engineer fortunately, or, animal's corpse becomes stale rottenly .
238. At 10 o'clock yesterday, a restaurant near the East Garden caught fire as gas met the direct fire. Fortunately there were no casualties.
239. Clerk yock says: What fortunately you insert is the first hole, you should insert the 2nd hole to cut silk!
240. And that's the way you make your tritium. But fortunately, if you can do this fusion reaction, you've got a neutron, so you can make that happen.
More similar words: opportunitylatelyprivatelyaccuratelyultimatelydesperatelydeliberatelyapproximatelydefinitelysatellitedonateSenatedominateresonateeliminatelaminatedcoordinatedecaffeinatedunabletunetune intunnelstart upvirtualvirtuallydepartureby virtue oftelltell ontelephone
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