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Executed in a sentence

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Sentence count:173+14Posted:2016-12-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: executeexecutionexecutivechief executiveexecutive branchpersecuteprosecutecuteMeaning: ['eksɪkjuːt]  adj. put to death as punishment. 
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61. In fact he was summarily executed.
62. The family was executed by Bolsheviks in 1918.
63. He could be executed at any time.
64. No federal prisoner has been executed in 37 years.
65. Letters of Request are to be executed expeditiously.
66. Hundreds of officers were arrested, tortured and executed.
67. In 1923 three prisoners were executed by firing squad.
68. Or the newly dead, such as executed prisoners.
69. He was executed by crucifixion.
70. The next day four traffickers were executed in Canton.
71. Balto G A beautifully executed, edge-of-your-seat exciting animated adventure.
72. It seems that frescoes were also executed on floors.
73. The landing was skilfully executed.
73. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
74. Texas has executed 135 inmates under Bush's administration.
75. The show's dance routines were well executed.
76. King Charles I was executed on 30th January 1649.
77. Prisoners executed in Arizona during the 1920s.
78. Mississippi has not executed a prisoner since 1989.
79. A solid wood stem and mahogany floors and stiffeners complete the basic construction which has been particularly cleanly executed by West Custom.
80. The variations on the basic motions number in their thousands and they are all executed at a very high speed.
81. Personal introductions are commonly executed by a third party rather than through say the medium of a telephone call requesting a meeting.
82. Manoeuvres have to be carefully planned, subtly executed and brought to a successful conclusion.
83. King prawns cooked in chilli salt and pepper was very much better, a simple dish succulently executed.
84. The sacramental functions these women could not perform were executed by circuit-riding priests.
85. Occasionally the builder may raise minor maintenance problems to justify his failure to pay for work executed or to release retention.
86. The bodies of 56 people who were tortured, executed and even buried alive by Hizbullah have been found in several towns.
87. The default value of 8 indicates that the next non-numeric keystroke that follows will be executed eight times.
88. The executed legal charge was sent to Warrens to be held, in escrow, pending completion.
89. The Communists dutifully echoed his admission, disclosing that even loyal Vietminh veterans had been unjustly tried and executed.
90. I confirmed their own opinion that the picture was a very competent version of a missing Saraceni composition executed by a follower.
More similar words: executeexecutionexecutivechief executiveexecutive branchpersecuteprosecutecuteacuteprosecutorprosecutionconsecutiveconvolutedvexedexertexemptexerciseexertionexempt fromcutrecurrouteouterlutesecuresecularcut incut outcut upcut off
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